Chapter 18 - Oh, how I wish that was me

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I lied.

I had no clue what got into me the other night. I wasn't drunk, I barely had anything to drink, and I knew she was sober too. Not only that, but I mean, if she accepted that both of us were drinking, then surely she thinks that was a mistake too, right?

I couldn't make such stupid decisions knowing that my future is already set in stone. These slip-ups could jeopardize my future.

The Parkinson's were a respectful pure-blood family since the beginning of the time. My great-grandfather was one of the most respected wizard out there. He was the most feared as well. One day my great-grandmother, Salome Parkinson ran away.

Salome means peace in Hebrew. Mother always used to say that it's ironic that her name means peace when she stole our family's happiness.

You see, she did not comply with the whole pureblood ideologies. She believed that everyone is equal and of course my grandfather thought she was sick in the head. Purebloods are and invariably will be superior, but she didn't endorse it.

Women are usually given two choices when they desire to lead their lives in their manner. They could either shut up and obey the orders of men in their life, or they could run. Unfortunately for the Parkinson's, Salome Parkinson wasn't having this shit, thus she chose the latter.

She chose peace, her peace.

Choosing your peace should be the easiest thing ever. If only it were that simple. She lost her family, wealth, and love to attain her inner fulfillment.

In the end, Salome could never find peace with the loss of everything dear to her.

My great-grandfather remarried, and like every defiant woman before her, Salome was forgotten too. Nobody mentioned her in our house, her ideas were considered a sickness in our household. She became a whisper in our residence, in her own home.

As much as I'd wish to think she's out there somewhere living her life I know it's not true. You could never be at peace after losing everything you've ever held dear.

Nobody remembers her and those who do, they don't mention her. That's what happens to women who don't submit to their male counterparts. I know It's sickening, but it's the sole truth of our lives. It's the only truth that I've witnessed and memorized.

My fate was already written off before my birth. I was supposed to marry Draco Malfoy and inherit his name and give him offsprings. This was my destiny, my fate, and my life.

Y/n just didn't fit in all of this. She never could, nobody could.

"I bet Harry wouldn't last 10 minutes in the second task," Draco's snickers brought me back to the conversation taking place around me.

Blaise rolled his eyes. " Draco you're so obsessed with Harry. You sure you don't have a crush on him or something?"

"Oh please, I'm not sick in the head to like boys. I fairly like girls," Draco slid his arm on my shoulder and winked. I merely smiled.


The champions, judges and supporters assembled at the edge of the lake for the second task. Everyone was cheering for their favorite champion until the announcement began.

The merpeople had taken something that 'you'll sorely miss' from each contestant, and the champions were given one hour to get it back.

"Something important? Like a hairbrush?" Draco chuckled and I laughed.

Blaise looked at us in disbelief before explaining. " Merlin, it's a person. A person that is important to the champion. I don't see Ron and Hermione nearby so one of them must be Harry's, it must be Fleur's sister for her and Cho Chang for Cedric."

Draco looked around, glancing over our environment before pointing at a dark-haired Ravenclaw. "Cho Chang is not in the water; she's standing right there, so it must..."

"Y/n," Blaise and I whispered together, quickly realizing her absence around us.

How is she going to stay in the water for so long? What if Cedric doesn't bring her out in time?

Fuck, I can't lose her.

Blaise was thinking the same questions, but unlike me, he wasn't scared to voice his concern.

My panicking state came to a halt when I heard someone getting out of the water. Every head snapped in their direction.

Merlin, please be y/n.

Victor Krum looked very pleased after saving Hermione Granger. Ginny Weasley ran towards her and Draco moved in their direction to make a snarky remark. He eyed me and Blaise to follow him, but I just couldn't.

I had to know y/n was okay. I needed to hold her and see for myself that she was okay.

After twenty long and horrible minutes, Cedric Diggory finally made out of the water carrying his unconscious sister. Carefully, he positioned her on the ground and Megan ran towards them bearing a blanket in her hand.

I just stood in my spot dumbstruck until I felt movement around me and saw Blaise sprint in their direction. That's when it hit me that I could run and I ran so swiftly, without caring whoever came into my path.

Before I could get to her, Blaise already had her in his arms. Whispering sweet nothing into her ears and gently rubbing circles on her back.

She gained consciousness and whispered something in Blaise's ear and he chuckled with relief. She smiled and pecked his cheek before passing out again. Blaise picked her up gently and began making a motion towards the hospital wing.

It didn't take long for Cedric to spot me considering I was standing ten steps away and staring at them.

He smiled at me sadly before shifting his gaze back to his sister and left for the infirmary too.

A/N- I know the first half was kinda boring but I wanted to give Pansy a bit of a backstory as well.

Super random, but Cedric is a swiftie and is definitely streaming Fearless(Taylor's version) and you can't tell me otherwise.
With love,

IN ANOTHER LIFE (Pansy Parkinson x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now