Chapter 31 - You knew the hero died, so what's the movie for?

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Time is not a healer, he's a son of a bitch. And yes time is a he because no one would screw up your life without remorse except a man.

On one hand, 10 days without Pansy made me realize how much I miss her and that I'm ready to forgive her. On the other hand, it's been 10 months and that letter still sits untouched in my second shelf.

Meg didn't get in trouble. As much as I hate to admit this, Pansy was right, again. Headmistress Umbridge only wanted the golden trio and didn't even care about the other students.

Cho, however, faced the wrath of the whole school for her betrayal. Harry broke up with her because according to him she wasn't brave enough to date. She was tortured to spill the beans and give up the location. I thought Pansy and I were a weird couple, turns out we are probably the best among these amateurs.

Turns out, Ron and Harry might be great friends, but aren't that great partners. Cho was literally tortured to give up their trust and instead of comforting her, he broke up with her. Whereas Ron used Lavender for his own fun and got bored by her because she was too girly, as the golden trio likes to say. Well, I'm sorry, but women don't need to mend themselves to fit in with men's idea of an ideal woman.

Albeit gradually, everybody started avoiding Cho, so I decided to seek her out because Cedric would have never treated her like this. No woman deserves to be treated like this, and definitely not by a stupid boy.

Of course, I wasn't going to approach Cho right now, but what I did not think was what I'd do if she approached me.

Hey,” she said.

"Hi, " I muttered, not even trying to look interested.

"I know you hate me for opening up to the squad, but-"

"I don't hate you, " I quickly interrupted. She raised her eyebrow mockingly, asking me whether I was sure.

"Okay, yeah, maybe I dislike you a little, but I wouldn't say hate," I admitted.

"Same thing, really. I didn't expect Malfoy to catch me," she tried to justify, but I interrupted again.

"I don't care about that, Cho."

"Then what is it? Why are you so mad at me?" She asked in bewilderment, "you barely talk to me these days."

"I'm mad... No, I'm furious at you for forgetting Ced. You were the only person besides me who knew him a little more than the others? How could you just..." My words got stuck in my throat and her gaze softened, understanding what I meant.

She smiled with guilt and hurt written on her face. "I still think about him sometimes, I would be lying if I said it didn't hurt. It does hurt, but not as much as it used to. Um, think of it as like a broken arm, it hurts a lot when the injury is new but after it starts to heal the pain reduces. Of course, your arm will never be the same, but as time will move forward the pain won't be that dominant. Later, you would treat it like an old wound, gently. It will always be tender, but as time goes on it won't hurt as much."

My lip trembled but I had to get it out. "I just love him so much, and I miss him and I feel so guilty and sad all the time," I continued as my gaze began to become hazy. " It's like a rainstorm and I keep looking at the sky, hoping the sun will shine again, but it never does. It just keeps on raining and raining. And I'm so sad all the fucking time. And that's the worst. Because when I think about Cedric, I don't think about the love, I just feel so fucking sad."

"That's not a bad thing," she sympathized.

"It is because I just feel sad and guilty. And I should cherish his life and his memories and my love for him, but all I feel is grief." I babbled, ignoring the tears streaming down my face.

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