Chapter 52 - I'm still falling for you

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6 months later


Weddings were never really my thing. Especially the wedding of an estranged sibling, whom I haven't talked to in years. Three years to be exact. When my sister decided to run away with her Muggle boyfriend, Eugene, her responsibilities came on my shoulders. It became my job to ensure the family's name in the pureblood society. And the quest for it made me lose Y/N. When I came into the Muggle world as well, I didn't contact Poppy and when she tried to I didn't reach back.

Anything that threatened my Y/N in any way was my last straw. So, to say that I was confused would be an understatement. I was shocked to receive her wedding invitation. I knew it wasn't her fault and I knew I was being unreasonable, but Merlin, I almost lost Y/N. I lost her for a few minutes and that broke me in a way that I still had nightmares.

Of course, the nightmares don't last because I always wake up with Y/N sleeping beside me. And I would hug her a little tighter than before until she physically had to shove me away.

She rarely did that unless it became constricting for her to breathe.

“Babe, you're killing me,” She huffed jokingly, pretending to inhale lightly as I held her firmly. My hands went stiff around her.

“I… I," I stammered, “I'm sorry.”

She opened one eye as she looked at me and instantly regretted her words. It wasn't her fault. Merlin, I was just so glad to hold her.

She lightly placed her warm hand on my cheek, breaking me from my spiraling thoughts. “Hey, hey, love, I'm okay,” She assured, planting a kiss on my cheek, “I'm sorry I didn't think before speaking. I'm here. We're here. We're okay.”

I stopped her rambling of apologies by connecting my lips with hers in a feverish kiss. This is what I needed to feel okay. As long as I could touch her, hold her — I'd be okay.

“You know, after Ced's death, I went to therapy for more than a year in the Muggle world. My parents still go to grief groups,” She ran her thumb under my eyes, brushing off the wetness, and I sighed under her tender touch. “It could be something helpful for you to look into.”

“Merlin, I'm not crazy. I don't need that,” I exhaled.

She shifted in the bed a little, wrapping her hand around my torso, soothingly rubbing my spine as I held her upper thigh that rested on my legs. “I think we're all a little crazy. And I don't want you to invalidate the things you've been through, and I feel like talking to someone professional could be beneficial for you.”

I didn't need anyone else. I had her and four amazing friends that I could call family. Furthermore, I didn't need a Muggle doctor at the top of it. It terrified me that she was insisting me on this.

“Am I a burden to you?” I questioned, my voice was so small, I hated it. But I would not blame her — I depended on her more than she did on me, and I was scared that maybe I was being too much.

“No, Merlin, no," She shook her head instantaneously, looking at me with honesty in her eyes and I sighed in relief. “It's quite the opposite. I don't want you to be burdened by your past and family.”

I opened my mouth to interject, but she spoke again. “Don't tell me you're fine because if you are, then why aren't we going to Poppy's wedding?”

“You don't understand it,” I stated, “I almost lost you. And it was the most horrible thing I had to experience.”

“Yet I'm still here,” She countered, “But you're right. I don't understand. A professional would. Plus, we have the money, baby.”

When I realized that she wouldn't listen to me and that she was also right, I nodded my head. As our breaths started to even and her eyes started to droop, I nuzzled my head in her neck to feel her pulse — heartbeat under my touch. I needed to feel she was alive to live.

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