Chapter 15 - I just hope you see me in a little better light

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A/N — I was going to add a yule ball gown, but it just didn't feel right. You can imagine the outfit however you want to. I am not a gown person myself and I really don't feel that Hogwarts would appreciate it if a person like me wore a dress or worse: a tux. Feel free to imagine the clothing that suits you the best.


"Who are you going with, y/n?"

 "It's a surprise,"

 "That's a fancy way of saying that nobody has asked you yet," Meg snickered earning a laugh from everyone at the table except Ced and Cho.

"Well, I think I'm going to ask Alex out. I don't know, they seem nice," I retorted back.

"Ah, I think he should be the one asking you out considering you're the girl," Wayne inquired. Why do I hang out with Wayne again?

 "They," Ced corrected him.

"Not you too, mate. Your sister's idea with the Muggle world and their weird ways with pronouns is already infecting my girlfriend. I'm sorry, but I just don't get this whole stuff. What's inside your pants decide your gender, not you. It's as easy as that."

Merlin, I hate him. I hate ignorant and stubborn people in general. They think they have a say in others' identities. All we can do as people: accept others the way they are and want to be instead of telling them they are invalid.

Everybody is valid. We necessitate to be kind and not only to our loved ones but to everyone around us. This concept is so foreign to the wizards and witches that it baffles me. There are a bunch of things that we just overlook in the wizarding world, like having house elves or gender roles. All of us are part of the problem because no one is doing anything to oppose it. 

Even in my own house, my father works in the ministry while my mother remains at home and takes care of everyone and everything. Yet, people always appreciate father for his great work at the ministry or Ced's achievement. It's like mother didn't raise us, she gets no recognition. Women usually don't.

"That's such a dicky thing to say, Hopkins. Get yourself some brains. Maybe try getting that shitty head of yours out of the ancient period."Cho hissed before standing up furiously and departing.

Ced looked at me and I nodded him to check up on his girlfriend and he left, leaving me alone with Wayne and Meg.

I possessed no desire to further interact with Wayne and as much as I love Meg, but her not calling out her boyfriend's shitty things makes her the perpetrator as much as him.

I know it's not fair, but neither is the hate he and men like my father give. Not only that, but I have noticed that men do that a lot: think they have authority over us and everyone overall. Your genitals don't make you superior to others, your actions do.

I don't even bother saying goodbye before leaving them.


"I'm so sorry, y/n, but Luna asked me earlier," Alex explained before turning me down.

I nodded at them saying it was completely okay, and we smiled at each other before departing in our respective paths.

As much as I would relish going to this stupid ball alone, I can't. They don't allow people without a partner which is a shitty rule, if you ask me. Why do I require someone to accompany me when I pretty much complete myself?

 The ball is next week I have a lot of time until then.


Merlin, the ball is tomorrow I definitely don't have time. I swear I would say yes to the next person who asks me without even thinking. 

It's as if Merlin listened to my prayer and fulfilled my wish. A Slytherin who saved me from Pansy's wrath at the station all those months ago approached me.

"Hey, I was wondering if you would like to go to the Yule ball with me?"

I was a bit surprised by this, I mean, I barely know the guy. "Oh, I did not expect that at all, Zabini, " I joked trying to lighten up the atmosphere.

 "Oh, it's all right if you're going with someone else, and you can call me Blaise," he laughed nervously.

"No, it's not that at all, and I would love to go to the ball with you," 

"Very well, I'll see you tomorrow then," he waved at me anxiously before leaving.


"So this Zabini guy, is he hot?" Meg snickered.

"Merlin Meg, I have talked to him twice. He was just nice to me," 

"You know what they say about nice guys?" Meg suggested while wiggling her eyebrows mischievously.

"Do I really have to be here when you talk to my sister like that? It was embarrassing enough that I had to sit through the talk with her. Please, not this again."

 "You should leave, Diggory because your sister is going to get some action tomorrow and we need to discuss that," Meg huffed amusingly, and I could see the discomfort in Ced's posture.

Swiftly I spoke up before anyone could interfere. "Nobody is going to get any action and this conversation is over," I concluded and then stood up holding Ced's arm and taking him with me, so we could avoid this conversation. Meg tried to protest, but my brother looked genuinely pleased to get away from that situation once we made out of the common room.

"Thank you for saving me from that nightmare" Ced stated and signed. I nodded while waving a hand as if to say don't mention.

"Anyways, What happened to you and Parkinson? Why are you going with her friend instead of her? Oh, is this some sort of jealousy thing you're doing because I did not pick you up for the game kind of girlfriend?" Ced inquired.

"Merlin, Ced it's nothing like that, "I huffed. "I'm going with Blaise because he asked me, and you need to quit bringing up Pansy. She literally hates me," 

"Firstly, I know that you don't hate her, and secondly, if she truly hated you then why did she save you the other day when you accidentally ended up in her dorm?" He reasoned while air quoting accidentally and smirking.

"You know it's nothing like that, and I need to stop telling you everything,"

 "Sure honey, whatever helps you sleep at night." He said amusingly before heading away for his Tournament's practice.

A/N-So year 4 is gonna come to an end pretty soon(6-7 chapters) and things are gonna change drastically in the next year.
Lemme know if there's something you want me to add in this year or the next one.
With love,

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