Chapter 20 - Come back, I still need you

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Cedric and Harry made it out together. It was so obvious that Cedric Diggory is going to win, but what is Harry Potter doing with him?

Y/n is going to be so happy. Merlin, I can't wait to see her smile when she realizes her brother won the stupid tournament.

My eyes wandered around the arena looking for her and the proud smile she's probably going to wear for the rest of her life.

"Guys, I think something is wrong," Blaise stated, making me and Draco look at the winners.

The crowd didn't understand what had taken place and everyone was cheering, triumphant music started to play.

Harry was weeping on Cedric's body. Cedric wasn't moving.

Dumbledore called Harry's name, demanding him to let go of Cedric.

"He's back, he's back! Voldemort's back. Cedric, he asked me to bring his body back. I couldn't leave him, not there." Harry yelled.


"Keep everybody in their seats. A boy has just been killed. The body must be moved Dumbledore, there are too many people," Professor Fudge shouted.


"Let me through! That's my son! My boy!" A man came running towards them and broke down wailing.

Fuck, I need to find her.

My eyes furiously searched for that very familiar-looking face. The crowd looked distraught, nobody expected this.

I said some really shitty things to her about her brother. I didn't expect this to happen.

After a quick scan, I eventually located her. She was standing near the arena's entrance. Her face lacked any and every emotion. She was just staring at the scene with a blank expression. Her daze was broken when her father called her towards Cedric's body.

She walked in their direction very slowly. She appeared as if she was in denial and she knew the moment she saw him she would collapse. Reluctantly, she walked.

When she ultimately reached and looked at her brother, every suppressed emotion in her smashed. She shut and reopened her eyes a few times, trying to wake up from this nightmare.

Once reality hit her, she sprinted out of the field while everyone moved towards her brother's corpse.

My feet followed her out of the arena and I found her sitting on the ground far away from everyone. As much as I wanted her to flee this terrible dream I knew it wasn't possible and she recognized that too.

She was seated on the ground, cross-legged. Her elbows propped on her knees with her hands on her face, covering her eyes.

I approached her very slowly.

"Y/n," I whispered so softly that it surprised both of us. Her eyes were puffy and tears were pouring down her face.

"You wanted this to happen," she half yelled at me and moved her face away from me.

"Y/n," I said with a more stern tone, but still maintained to be soft and gentle.

"No, not right now," she barely got the words out of her mouth. " I can't do this anymore," she muttered sadly, and then she burst into a sob again. Tears kept streaming down her face and I could not endure the sight of her suffering.

I just couldn't.

In one swift motion, I reached for her hands and made her stand up. Before she could say something my arms made their way to the small of her back through her waist engulfing her in the tightest embrace of our lives.

For a second I was frightened that she would push me away, but after a moment her hand found its way around my neck and she buried her face on my shoulder.

And so she let it all out. I could hear her sobbing and her tears made their way on my robe and hair, but right now I didn't care. I didn't care about anything in the whole damn world except this girl.

All I cared about was for her to feel okay. I wanted to produce a bubble of shield around her so that no one could harm her ever. Hearing her crying made my eyes hazy too.

I had no reason to cry. I didn't lose my brother, my best friend, my family in a blink of an eye. She did.

But I just couldn't break off the traitor tear that made its way out of my stubborn hold.

I gently began rubbing her back trying to calm her down. When she broke our embrace and her eyes landed on mine, she looked at me with so much hurt in her eyes that I just couldn't.

I couldn't do this any longer. I couldn't hate her. I never hated her. I didn't even want to pretend to hate her anymore.

"I didn't say it back... I didn't say it back, Pansy. I thought I'll see him again I could've said it back... I- I didn't know- " she broke into tears again.

"He told me he loved me and I- I could have said it back. I should have said it back but.. but I didn't-"

"You didn't know," I placed my hands on her arms softly. I was so afraid that one wrong move from my side could break her.

"How am I...I can't do this... I can't do this without him," she concluded with another sob.

She tried to say something, but it kept getting stuck, and after a few attempts of swallowing the lump in her throat the words came out. "Please don't leave me,"

I positioned my hands on her cheeks, cupping her face gently while my thumb ran circles around her cheeks "Hey, I'm right here. I will never leave you,"

She stared at me for a second, searching my face for any shred of dishonesty. All she was going to find was sincerity in my eyes.

After she got the assurance she needed she leaned towards my face before gently putting her lips on mine. It's not like I haven't been kissed before, but this just felt so different and raw.

I had to be very careful. She felt so fragile in my hold that I was scared I would break her if I take one wrong move. It wasn't a long kiss, but it was enough to cause my heart to go running around in my stomach.

When we tore away from each other and I opened my eyes; she rested her forehead on mine with her eyes shut. I closed my eyes and leaned into her touch feeling our symmetrical breathing pattern and heartbeat.

  ⁕⁕⁕End of Year 4⁕⁕⁕

A/N- I'm gonna go cry now.
With love,

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