Chapter 12 -I knew you were trouble

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"Dragons, that's the first task," Ced clarified. "How do you feel about dad and stuff? I've been ignoring his owls, but he just can't seem to get a hint."

"How do I feel? Ced, you're telling me you have to fight off dragons in your first task, and you're asking how I feel about our dad? Also, how do you know about the task?" I inquired.

"It's all right, I'll be okay, Harry Potter told me."

Before I could even question him further a group of Hufflepuff and Cho came out of nowhere and dragged him away to God knows where.

"Dragons? Are you still so sure that golden boy would be alive after that?" Pansy questioned from behind me, and I didn't even have to turn to know the smirk that spread widely on her face.

"Pan- Parkinson, I'm sure he can handle it," I said without even turning, I didn't want her to sense the fear which I was experiencing.

I tried to walk before she could make any other remark, but she swiftly came in front of me. " Who are you trying to convince this? Me or yourself?"

" I don't want any trouble, so please just get out of my way," I responded honestly, ignoring her question. " Plus, you and your little friends know Cedric is the true champion, so please waste your so-called snarky remarks on Harry Potter."

"It's funny you think that I hate Harry Potter more than I hate you,"

"Why do you detest me? What I have done to you? I queried.

"Are you serious? You fucking betrayed me. You pretended to be all nice to me and pretended to walk with me, have dinner with me, hold my hand, and then you threw me under the bus to save yourself the first chance you got." she spat.

"If you would just let me explain tha-

"Before I could say anything she mouthed no and proceeded past me, shoving her shoulder with mine and making me lose my balance and finally fall. By the time I contained myself and stood up, she was gone. I genuinely desired to mend matters with her, but right now I had other things on my mind, like my brother fighting a freaking dragon.


I didn't imagine I could be any more scared for Ced, but then the day arrived. The day he is supposed to fight off a dragon, and I'm so frightened. Everyone around me could feel the fear emitting out of my body and I had to tell Meg and Wayne to not stand near me during the tournament. I would hate to lash out at them for something that my smart brother got into himself. So at this moment, it's me standing with a bunch of strangers waiting for the tournament. They are cheering for Ced and booing for Harry which made me feel a little better.

And then the announcement began, Ced is supposed to go first. Fuck, he had to participate in this stupid tournament. He is going to fight some Swedish dragon which is known for its blue flames shooting out of its nostrils. Merlin knows I'm never allowing my brother to participate in anything stupid like this again. My heart was pounding so loud that I could hear it bursting in my eardrums blocking any other sound around me until I heard a voice, her voice to be exact.

"Swedish Short Snout? Merlin, at present it feels like Potter is Hogwarts' last hope with Diggory dead in a few minutes," the familiar voice stated with amusement from behind me. I did not possess the strength to turn around and argue with her. All I could think about was Cedric, so I brushed off her comment hoping my ignorance would shut her up.

Of course, I was wrong and she went on," I have heard the flames that issues from its nostrils is a brilliant blue and can reduce timber and bone to ash in a matter of seconds. I wonder how Diggory is going to survive this." she snickered with fake concern, trying to get a response out of me. Just when I was about to give in, the tournament began.

Ced walked in and that's when I noticed the beast in front of him. The dragon was silvery-blue in color and looked very hostile, as if waiting to blow its flame on someone. While walking towards the giant, Ced was trying to look confident, but I could easily understand the fear behind his eyes. Ced is rarely scared of anything and looking at his spooked state behind his cold composure made me terrified as well.

He cautiously made a motion towards the beast. He used a spell to change a rock into a dog to distract the dragon. Thank Merlin, my brother is smart. Why didn't I get the intelligent Diggory gene? He was partially successful; the dragon took the bait, and Cedric went for the Golden egg. Halfway through, the dragon turned its attention back to Cedric and burned his face. Ugh, why is my brother so dumb? Cedric retrieved the egg, however, and passed the task.

Ignoring the snickering Pansy I headed straight for the hospital wing to meet and give a piece of my mind to my brother. What I did not expect was Cho sitting beside him and having a conversation that I did not want to be a part of. Yeah, I was furious at him, but I suppose, he could have a few minutes with his girlfriend before his sister barges in yelling.

I still have that pent-up anger needing to be out, and luckily I spotted a certain green-eyed girl making her way towards me.


"What was that about, Parkinson?"

"Is the prefect still alive? Shit, I thought the dragon got him. I was just telling Blaise how they would have to bury his wand with him." she stated without hesitation.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? Why can't you just leave me and my brother alone? What have I ever done to you? Why do you dislike me so much?" I spat, every word lacing with anger as venom.

"Oh honey, you don't get it, do you?"

"I don't dislike you, I hate you and I would do everything in my power to make you hate your time in this school!" she yelled.

"No, you don't," I said carefully taking a step towards her.

She tried to sound calm but is clearly taken aback by my word." What?"

"You don't hate me," I take another stride closer to her. "I know you, Parkinson" I take another step, and our faces are so close that I could just lean in and end the distance between us. Her eyes roam over my lips before meeting my eyes. Her eyes darkened, but not with anger this time. I lean closer towards her earlobe "because if you did, I would not be standing this close to you without a scratch." I whispered, and I could see her body quiver with our proximity.

Just when I turned around and was about to leave, she held my wrist in a firm hold. The grip tightening with every passing second making me gasp in pain. Her grasp made my eyes fill up with water that I was too stubborn to let go of, at least not in front of her. To my despair, one tear betrayed me and made its way on my cheek. She seemed pleased and leaned in towards my jaw where the traitor tear resided, her other hand made its way towards my throat clutching it tightly and tilting my head to give her better access to the tear that made it to my jaw. She leaned in licking the area slowly and then harshly sucking the tear from my jaw. A moan made it to my throat that I refused to out.

She lets go of my wrist and her hand reached towards the unoccupied side of my neck, cupping it gently before pressing it harshly making me shiver around her touch. A smirk formed on her face, seeing me so helpless around her hands.Literally.

"I hate you," she growled, eyeing my mouth once more before licking her own and leaving me standing there dazed.

A/N-This is officially my fav chapter. I know I took a while with one, but I just felt like Pansy was kind of holding back so I had to drop the bomb. This chapter was supposed to end three paragraphs earlier with Pansy shouting and leaving, but it just felt incomplete. I'm glad that I added the little spice in the end. The tension between them though ahh.

Writing ahead is going to be super hard cause now I cannot tone it down skksks. Also, we are totally gonna ignore that it took me 8 days to update. College has been a lot lately, but I'll try to squeeze in 2-3 updates this week.
With love,

IN ANOTHER LIFE (Pansy Parkinson x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now