Chapter 27 - All my friends are heathens, take it slow

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"The Inquisitorial Squad," Draco announced proudly.

"Why do I have to join this stupid little gang of yours?"

"Because I am joining," he retorted as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Okay, and?" I clearly had no idea what he was going on about.

"Your mother would not be pleased to know that you're not indulging in activities with me, "Draco smirked at his double entendre.

I scoffed angrily and Blaise immediately stood up from his seat, sensing the tension and tried to change the topic.

"How about we follow one person each?" Blaise suggested. "I can follow Weasley, Draco can follow Potter and you can follow Granger, does that sound okay to you?"

"Also, we have to keep in mind that he's probably being supported by the whole of Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. So we have to be careful around them too."

Of course, all the houses except Slytherin followed and supported Harry Potter. Nobody approaches us anyway, and it's not like if someone approached me to join this thing I would accept. I barely say yes to anyone in general.

So when Blaise told me that other students were assisting this army, my head straight went to that (y/h/l) girl. Obviously, she's a part of Harry's team as well. She's been trying so hard to follow in her brother's footsteps lately that I know for a fact that she is a part of this.

"I think we should follow the most gullible ones," Draco intervened.

"(Y/n), she's friends with Blaise, and she's probably not doing so great with her brother's death because of Harry Potter. It'll be easy to turn he -"

"Are you suggesting manipulation, Malfoy?" I objected.

"It's not manipulation if it's for her own good,"

"Well, I think you should let her decide what's good for her, no?" I retorted instantly.

Blaise exhaled loudly before interrupting again. "We are not using y/n and we are going to stick with the original plan."

With great reluctance, Draco and I agreed. I would keep a close eye on the Gryffindors for him and he would not mess with y/n. She isn't used to these malicious people like Draco, who would literally chew her off for his benefit. Don't get me wrong Draco is my friend, but he is also a horrible person and as much as I love him, I need to protect y/n from him.

Cedric Diggory, as flawless as he was, he was also a very protective brother. It didn't take me long to discover that y/n only knew Cedric and his kindness for most of her life. At first, I was a bit envious of her. I know I shouldn't be, but I've never had a person who's always there for me.

My parents see me as a liability that they soon have to sell to another rich pureblood. Poppy and I were never the sibling duo like the Diggory siblings. The only person I was kind of close with was my grandmother, but Salome was disowned and denounced as a Parkinson when she decided to follow her heart.

Draco grew up in the same circumstances as me. His father is a rich, egoistic pure blood. He only expects excellence from his son, anything else wasn't accepted.

I can sit here and blame him for his arrogance, but I know better than anyone how much a parent's approval means to one when you've never had that growing up.

In some ways, y/n's father is also the same arrogant man as the men in my life, but her brother filled up the role of the positive mentor in her life. Now that he's gone, she's left to fend for herself from these cunning creatures of the world, also known as men.


It was eight in the evening and she still wasn't present at our spot. Lately, she's been coming late almost every day and insists on leaving before nine. This doesn't sound so bad theoretically, but generally, we don't even leave until it's midnight. Then we usually run around the school without making a noise, trying to circumvent prefects and making out in the corridors.

"You're late again," I stated.

The thing is I know why she is late, and I also know that she can't tell me that, but Merlin, I want her to, just so we could get over this and go back to our normal routine.

"Oh, I must've lost track of time. Um," she looked around, clearly trying to ignore my gaze. "Meg and Wayne have been fighting a lot lately, and I barely get time to catch up on schoolwork and OWLs. So, I don't know, I was just thinking, you know, maybe we could make this a weekly thing instead of daily. I mean, you ba-"

"I think we should take a break," I blurted out without giving it thought.

First of all, I did not think we should take a break. Hell, I think I might want more. More than just making out in private, maybe I want all of it too, but I can't have it if she isn't honest with me. If it were anyone else, I would have bullied the truth out of them without a hitch, but not her. Not when she might be the only person I like, maybe even in the whole world, if that's even possible.

I might not be the nicest person out there, but I've always been honest with her. I told her the instant I was informed about the Inquisitorial Squad, and I may or may not have known that she was pitching for the other team. I kept mentioning the squad, hoping she would tell me the truth too. I didn't do this to catch her lie, but because I wanted us to go back to the time when we had no lies between us.

"Why?" She choked out with hurt written all over her face and I hated to be the reason for her pain.

"Why?" I pretended to fake think by tapping my forefinger on my temple. "Oh, I don't know, probably because you know that I know about Dumbledore's army, and you wouldn't tell me about it. "

"You know I can't do that. You know that if I tell-"

"No, actually I don't know, " I took a deep breath in an attempt to calm myself, but it wasn't working. "But you know what I think? I think you don't trust me. I think I'm some... I don't know, some toy you play with because you broke your favorite one and now you need a distraction. "

She looked at me incredulously and huffed in disbelief. "You know what I think?"

"It's not like I can stop you from telling me anyway? " I sassed.

"Yeah, you can't. I think... no, scratch that, I know that you're scared. The big scary Pansy Parkinson is frightened that this is getting too real for her and instead of talking it out with me, you're pushing me away. "

"I'm scared? " I inquired, my voice louder than it was before and I chuckled humorlessly. "I'm not the one that doesn't have the balls to open their dead brother's letter. You're so fucking scared of yourself that you won't even read his last words, and you tell me that I am the scared one?"

In a blink of an eye, she furiously reached for me and the back of her hand came in contact with my face not so gently.

Did she just fucking slap me?

My eyes widened in realization and I think she didn't realize what she did until after she slapped me. In a world full of wands, it's very rare to see someone indulge in fights with their bare hands and if it were anyone else I would have used a much scarier spell.

The rage in her eyes instantly drifted off, and before she could retreat her steps, my hands gently reached for her face pulling her body flush against mine and my lips captured hers in an intoxicating, addicting kiss.

A/N- oof this took a very different turn than I imagined. In my defense, Pansy looks like the kind of person that gets off of this ahh idk.

I know I should not be taking this long to post mediocre length chapters, but uni has been a lot lately, so please bear with me.
With love,

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