Chapter 16 - Do you think it's easy being of the jealous kind?

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A/N -This is Pansy's dress btw :)


"Who are you going with?"


Okay, wow, I did not anticipate that. I didn't suppose she was the sort of person that went on balls or dates with Slytherins.

"Ugh, I don't need another friend of mine talking about her all the time. It's enough that Pansy is always complaining about her, I don't need to see you gush about her," Draco declared and ran his hand through his face, he was totally pissed about it.

"Pansy hates her guts whereas I genuinely like her and I would really like to pursue this thing with her and not mess up for once in my life," Blaise retorted.

His statement made me huff and I interrogated. "You like her? You barely even know her?"

You don't know that her smile could light up the whole room. You don't know that she could make someone feel special and worthy of her attention. Not only that, but you don't know the way she crunches up her nose whenever someone mentions a person she dislikes. Furthermore, you don't know how soft her skins and hands feel.

"Pansy? Where did you go? Your prince charming is right here," Draco smirked while waving his hand in front of my face.

"Nowhere I just need to get ready for the ball. See you later,"


"You don't look bad," Draco snickered when I came out of my dorm.

"Merlin, thanks. You don't look too bad yourself,"

 "I never look bad, Pans,' he winked before stretching out his arms for me to hold it and I obliged.

It's amusing you think you'll walk into a beautiful environment with a handsome boy, and you'll feel at peace

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It's amusing you think you'll walk into a beautiful environment with a handsome boy, and you'll feel at peace. I didn't. I still felt so fucking angry at everything for no reason and every reason at the same time.

Just when I was about to run away from here Blaise came by. "You look... not annoyed like you're not going to bully the first-year kids,"

 "My, my we all know that isn't true, mate. This one hates everyone," Draco added, and I rolled my eyes dramatically.

"Except for you, "Blaise quirked his eyebrow suggestively.

"Well, I do have that effect on the ladies, don't I? "Draco said while nudging my shoulder and I scoffed.

 "Alright, losers, I've got a hot-looking Hufflepuff to attend to so adios," Blaise left and my eyes followed his descending form looking for that certain date of his.

There she was talking to her brother and his girlfriend. Wow, she looks, wow. Before my mind could comprehend and form a word for her appearance, Blaise appeared beside her. He held her hand in his, and she giddily accepted. 

IN ANOTHER LIFE (Pansy Parkinson x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now