Chapter 22 - August slipped away into a moment in time

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Would it make me a bad person if I said I was looking forward to a funeral? Who am I kidding? I am a terrible person. In my defense, I just truly wanted to see her.

I didn't only want to see her. I wanted to hold her, kiss her and just be there for her.

I thought about writing her a letter, but I don't even cognize what to say. What am I even supposed to say? I'm sorry your brother is dead, but I really enjoyed kissing you and I sort of like you, so can we just kiss forever?

I reckon it's safe to conclude that me owling her would not be the optimum decision. Besides, I don't even know if that kiss meant something to her.

She did initiate the kiss, but she was also devastated at that time. It could be her trying to ground herself, or perhaps she merely needed to feel something other than pain at that point. Maybe it didn't mean anything to her.

Merlin, I hope it did because it meant so much to me.

All of my anxiety came to a halt when we arrived at the funeral. My trepidation turned into concern when I realized she didn't come.

She skipped her brother's funeral.

Fuck, she must be feeling so shitty and all I care about is my selfish reasons. Her brother just died and instead of being there for her, I'm just thinking about us. I don't even know if there is an us anyway.

How does one move on from the loss of a loved one? I've never had anyone close to me die and especially not such gruesome death.

Before this Cedric Diggory was known as the Hogwarts' champion, the golden boy. Now he's just some kid that was at the wrong place at the wrong time. I don't know what happened there, but if we're being serious we all know that Harry Potter kind of sucks.

If the Dark Lord is truly back, Harry Potter would not have been capable to save himself. Thus, it's fairly obvious to everyone that Cedric Diggory sacrificed his life to save Harry Potter, but nobody is going to know this side of the story. Hell, they'll even forget that he ever existed in a few months.


After having an hour-long debate with myself, I convinced the pessimistic side of me to write a letter to her.

How am I supposed to address her? y/n? I've called her a bitch twice for addressing me by my first name.

Eh, it's not like I'm not a hypocritical piece of shit.

But what if the kiss didn't mean shit to her and my letter freaks her out. I think I'm overanalyzing everything here. Or am I? Fuck, it's just a letter, Pansy.

I would like to offer my condolences to you and your family. I hope you're doing okay.
Take care,
Pansy Parkinson

I'm not counting, but it's been twenty days, and she still hasn't responded. Not that I was expecting her to, I mean, her house must be filled with letters offering their condolences. It's not like I'm dying to hear from her.

Honestly, I'm kind of glad she didn't read my letter because it was stupid anyway, and I should not have written or sent it.

Nevertheless, I still found myself on the windowsill frequently hoping for an answer. Until a letter finally showed up.

To: Poppy Parkinson

"Ugh, Poppy you've got a letter," I called for her.

To deflect the constant debate in my head, I glanced at the letter hoping it would make me stop thinking about her for a while. Presuming it was from her pureblood fiancé I opened the letter.

From: Eugene Crain


"Give it back to me!" Poppy yelled and snatched the envelope from my hand.

"Why are you still talking to that half-blood ex of yours?"

" I'm not and even if I was it's not like you care,"

"I do, "I replied immediately. The genuine concern in my tone took her by surprise, and she exhaled with relief.

"I'm running away with him, " she whispered.

"You what now?"

"I can't marry someone just to preserve my family's name, " she stated as if it was the most obvious thing. It wasn't, not to me at least.

"Do you know what happens if you don't listen to them? How could you forget Salome? Parkinson women aren't supposed to defy. You are supposed to marry that pureblood, and I am supposed to marry Draco."

She scoffed in a mocking manner as if I've enunciated the most vile thing of all time. " I remember my grandmother and honestly, I'm glad that she ran away. Merlin, do you even hear yourself? You're not even 17, you should not think about marrying someone. You should be having fun. I'm supposed to be having fun at 19. Do you know that in the Muggle world people don't have to marry someone just because they're pureblood? Do you know they can just live together and not marry?"

"We belong in the wizarding world and that's why we are superior-"

She scoffed, again. " You don't get it, do you? I can be free. I want to be free with someone I love, not marry someone that matches my family's idea of equality. Don't you want that for me?"

"I know what you're trying to do. It won't work,"

"I know we haven't been the sisters everyone wants us to be, and I know we barely talk which I would like to change, but I could really use your help,"

As much as I wanted to shove a middle finger in her face, I didn't. A year ago I would have run and told my parents but things are different now. I feel different now and I do want to avoid marrying Draco in the future.

"Fine, I'll help you."

Our final plan was simple and dangerous which freaked me out. She is supposed to walk down the aisle in a few months. Our parents will be busy with all the wedding preparation during that time. All I had to do was let Eugene hide in my room and keep everyone distracted giving my sister and her lover enough time to run away.

This would break my parents, especially my father. He already can't talk about our grandmother because she ran away and now her eldest daughter is going to do the same stunt.

Amongst all this chaos and turmoil I finally received a letter that calmed me down a lot.

Thank you for extending your condolences. I'm doing okay. Fuck it, I'm doing shitty, like, really shitty, and I've been shitty to others and for some reason, I feel like you will not judge me. I hope we can talk once we arrive at Hogwarts.
y/n Diggory

Talk? Yes, I think I can definitely talk.

A/N- I hope things work out for Eugene and Poppy. If it isn't clear already I have no idea how to navigate their life outside Hogwarts so time skip hahaha.

I swear it's not random it's kinda going to affect the storyline later. I feel like I lowkey tell you guys almost everything lmao.
With love,

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