Chapter 49 - I'll be living one life for the two of us

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I didn't expect to wake up. I thought death just meant an end, where this was nothing except infinite darkness. But when I opened my eyes, It was bright. Too bright and it still felt vacant.

So, this is what it felt like. I looked around, searching for something - anything, but I was met with emptiness all around.

I was confused, really. Not to brag, but I was a good human being and this didn't feel like heaven. Maybe this was hell. Maybe I wasn't a good person after all.

"You're here," A very familiar voice that I haven't heard in years brought me out of my thoughts. Tears sprung at the corner of my eyes at recognition, and instantly I turned around to find the source of the voice.

And there he was. Brown hair, gray eyes - still as beautiful as ever.

"Ced," I called for him, tears falling down my eyes.

I ran towards him and he met me halfway. I enveloped my arms around his middle as I let the tears fall down my cheeks. "I love you."

I replied. I finally said it back. I did it.

"Your sappiness is really showing," He teased, and I chuckled as I told him again, "I love you so much."

He snaked his arms around me confusedly. "I love you, too."

He gently took my shoulder in his hands and pulled me away. "What is it?"

"I didn't say it back," I explained. "I'm sorry I didn't say it back. I love you. I could have done so much to show you how much you meant to me."

"But you did," He countered. "You showed me so many times. By being there for me, by being a friend when I needed," Gently, he brushed the wetness from my face. "By being my person. You were there for me. You love me just as much I love you. And that's all matters."

"I don't want to hear all of this," I pouted, shaking my head. I didn't care for the metaphors, I just got my brother back. "I love you."

"Okay, I love you too." He still looked bewildered. "But what are you doing here and you," He eyed me as he said, "You're still so young."

"I mean," I tried to joke, "I'm older than you right now."

It was true, though. I was 19 and he was 17. Of course, he didn't think it was funny.

He shook his head in disbelief and I continued. "I died."

I wanted to avoid getting into details of my death. I didn't remember much. All I remembered was Pansy smiling at me and merlin, she was so beautiful. And I realized, I was never going to touch her or even see her again and that was why I decided not to talk about it. "Anyway, is this heaven? Surely, it has to be. You are here," I looked around the empty place. "I suppose I expected it to be more rainbows and unicorns, not emptiness."

"What is this place?" I asked as I narrowed my eyes to gaze at the far end, but again, it was just brightness.

"It's like a train station," He described, pointing to a something in the light. "You wait for the train to show up and it takes you to your final destination- the other side, afterlife, whatever you like to call it."

"Then why are you still here?" I retaliated. He had been dead for years and he was still here. Why hadn't he boarded the train and enjoyed eternal peace yet?

"I was waiting for you," He said simply. "Somewhere in my bones, I knew you'd need me."

Tears welled up in my eyes again and I looked at him, "What? It's been so many years, Ced."

IN ANOTHER LIFE (Pansy Parkinson x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now