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"Oi Ced, wait for me!" Salome yelled from a distance, trying to keep up with her brother's pace.

"Hurry up, Salome. I'm going to leave you the moment I find Auntie Cho."

"No running in the house, kids. Be careful!" I warned, but that didn't deter the kids from running towards the door.

When Cedric finally opened the door, he was greeted by Draco, Blaise and their daughter, Iris. "Oh, it's you," Cedric said, his voice laced with disappointment when he realized it wasn't Cho and Alex.

"Wow. That's not a reaction I'm used to," Draco joked, bending down to hug Salome, who snaked her arms around her favorite uncle happily. Iris, my goddaughter, ran towards me and embraced me in a hug before moving towards the kitchen and doing the same to my wife.

Blaise moved past the kids and Draco, handing me a bottle of wine before pulling me in an embrace as well. "Happy Anniversary!"

"Thank you," I replied.

"Where's the missus?" He asked and I pointed towards the kitchen.

"Just frosting up the cake," I told him, "You know how amazing her finishing skills are."

Draco came out of nowhere to stand beside us as he mocked, "Okay, that sounds so wrong."

Blaise scoffed as I hit both of them with my palm and looked for the kids, hoping they didn't hear Draco's remark. Luckily, the kids had departed to Salome's room.

When my beautiful, beautiful wife came into the living room, everyone rushed towards her to wish the same. The doorbell rang again and this time it was Cho and Alex. Cedric shouted, "I got it" and ran and hugged them.

Once we were done with the greetings and everyone was settled at the table, I took a seat beside my wife, intertwining our hands together and placing them on my lap. Ced situated himself on Y/N's other side. Our son was more attached to my wife. I mean, what did I expect? His name was Cedric. Obviously, he loved Y/N the most.

The dinner was joyous. It was filled with laughter, jokes, and anecdotes of our school life. We mostly talked about how dumb I was - it was obvious I had been in love with my wife since the day I met her at the train station. Draco and Cho jokingly teased us that it was insufferable listening to us pine over each other. There hasn't been a single day since the war that I don't thank the universe for giving me the family that made me truly happy and of course, my wife. She made me feel so content and calm. Jesus, I can't even imagine my life without her, and thanks to her brother, I don't have to. I owe all of my happiness to Cedric Diggory.

When the kids departed to sleep, we talked about the Muggle world and how different it was from the wizarding world. But most of all, we drank wine.

"I'm going to tuck in Iris and Salome," My wife informed, placing a hand on my thigh. "Can you please check up on Ced?"

"Of course," I assured her as I pressed a kiss on her cheek before both of us stood up for the respective kids.

"We love when Iris stays over at your place," Draco said teasingly, and I rolled my eyes at him and made my way to Cedric's room. Cedric was always determined to be treated like an adult, so when I reached his bedroom, he was already on his way to sleep. I smiled, planting a kiss on his forehead before leaving the room to help my wife. I knew she must be struggling to get both Iris and Salome to bed.

When I reached Salome's room, both of them were in bed and Y/N was standing at the foot of the bed. I decided to stay back in the doorway to get a glance at the domesticity my life had reached. I wanted to preserve my life with the woman of my dreams and our kids as much as I could.

"Mum," Salome whispered, and Y/N got down on her knees in front of our daughter's bed. "Will Aunty Cho and Alex have a baby too? I can't wait to have more friends."

Y/N pressed a kiss on Salome's nose as she explained, "No, baby. They won't."


I was glad I wasn't the one tucking in Salome because I didn't know what I would have said. And my wife, like always, handled the situation like a pro. "Families come in all forms. Cho and Alex don't want kids, whereas your mom and I wanted to have kids. A family could be countless things. For me, it's your mom and you guys. For Cho, it's Alex. For Uncle Draco, it's Uncle Blaise and Iris," My wife lovingly looked at my goddaughter and smiled sweetly. "Anything that feels like home could be family."

Yeah, I married that woman. I had won in life.

When Y/N turned around and spotted me standing there. She shook her head before coming towards me and wrapping her arms around my frame. I was so in the trance of her beauty, both inside and out, I pulled her closer to me and connected our lips.

Y/N broke our kiss breathlessly, and I whined against her mouth.

"We have people over," She reminded me, "What's gotten you so worked up, baby?"

My answer was instantaneous and honest. "You. Always you."

My wife placed a kiss at the corner of my mouth, straightening her hands over my dress as she took a step back. "The kids are asleep. How long will it take for you to kick our friends out?"

"Honey," I fake gasped, dramatically. "That's not very Hufflepuff of you."

She rolled her eyes at my theatrics. She batted her eyebrows at me seductively, and I was done. "I'm going to our bedroom. Why don't you just get rid of our friends and Slyther in?

I took her face in my palms and pulled her in for a chaste kiss. "Give me a second to kick them out, gorgeous."

As we detached our mouths and bodies, she started to leave for our bedroom. I curled my fingers around my wife's wrist, making her stop in her tracks and look at me patiently. "Please don't use wizard terminology in bed."

"Oh," She smiled mischievously, "Don't you want to see my chamber of secrets?"

I shook my head immediately. "No, stop it. You're ruining sex."

Before she could come up with something else, I went to the living room to make sure our friends depart immediately. Don't get me wrong, I love our friends, but I love my wife more, and I was going to fuck the magic out of her.

Getting our friends to leave wasn't hard. I just went to the room and announced, "I'm going to make my wife see stars, so y'all need to leave. Now."

All of them chugged their wine and nodded, leaving quickly.

And as we made love that night, we cherished each other in a way that that priest wouldn't want to know. And when both of us were exhausted, she rested her head on my chest while I engulfed her body closer to mine.

She looked up at me and I knew something was cooking up in that beautiful head of hers. And she confirmed my doubts with her next words. "Did you enjoy your visit to my forbidden forests?"

I rolled my eyes at her jokes, shaking my head as I tried to stifle the smile that was threatening to break. "Jesus, can you stop, please?"

"Jesus, huh?"

"Merlin," I corrected, "I guess I'm picking up Muggle words now."

"I like muggle you."

"You better," I didn't think it was possible, but I pulled her even more near to me, diminishing the minuscule distance between us. I pressed a kiss in her hair as I promised, "Because I'm never letting you go."

She looked up at me with so much love in her eyes that it made tears well up in my eyes.

"In this life?" She said, but it came out as a question. It felt like she was asking if I still felt the same for her after all these years. We had so much more than love, we had a family - a home, and I was still so madly in love with her. And honestly, I wasn't planning on changing that anytime soon.

Without a single hesitation in my mind and heart; I took her face in my palms and dipped my head, pulling her lips closer to mine as I vowed. "In every life."


A/N- The end.
With love,

IN ANOTHER LIFE (Pansy Parkinson x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now