CHAPTER 36 - If the world was ending

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"Did you hear about Katie Bell?" Megan whispered as she looked around for anyone who might be listening to our conversation. Come on, girl, nobody is going to eavesdrop on our conversation when Harry fucking Potter is sitting one table away from us.

Megan and I came to an agreement. Since both of us were the only Hufflepuff the other knew, we would hang out when her boyfriend wasn't around. Besides, I had Cho and Alex to hang out with. Yes, I was third-wheeling again. Merlin, if Ced were alive, he would have made fun of me. I moved on from third-wheeling one couple (Meg and Wayne) to another. Technically, it's not third-wheeling because Cho and Alex aren't exclusive yet. So sod off, Ced.

You know how you have that voice in your head that tells you when you're doing something stupid. Instead of that voice, my brain conjures up Ced and what he would have thought of a certain situation. At first, I used to think that I'm fucked in the head because who has conversations with dead people in their mind. But my doctor told me it was normal. Since Ced has been the only person who taught me to differentiate between right and wrong and to choose right. He became the voice that led me in the correct direction. My therapist said it was a coping mechanism.

"Who is Katie bell?" I countered, and Megan made a face of annoyance. How am I supposed to know everyone in this school? I'm not a fucking wizard. No, wait, I am a fucking wizard!

"Doesn't matter. What matters is that somebody jinxed her."

"Could've been a prank," I guessed, shrugging my shoulder in an uncaring manner. What happened to this Katie girl sounds terrible, but I didn't care. It might seem ignorant, but I just choose to care about people that matter to me. I can't go around saving everyone's asses, especially since You Know Who is back. Plus, I have more pressing matters in hand at the moment, like how to pass this year's OWLS. Last year the teachers were a bit lenient to me considering I was the dead dude's sister, but as Professor Snape made it apparent that excuse won't work anymore. Since I've had enough time to mourn.

Firstly, excuse? Secondly, Enough time to mourn? Guess what, I'm still not healed, I'm trying, but there's always going to be that part of me that still loves and misses her brother.

"The students are saying that You Know Who is behind it."

"Yeah, right," I huffed and taunted, "As if the biggest enemy of the evilest wizard of all time would be a teenager."

Megan folded her arms over her chest and frowned, "We had a deal, no? Why are you being bitter to me then?"

I sighed because she was right. I can't be mean to others just because I have some shit going on, and I decided to agree that we would act like friends when her boyfriend isn't around.

"I can't do it, Meg," I started, "I thought that if Wayne wasn't around then maybe we could be friends again."

She smiled sadly and placed a hand on mine. "I figured. I can't have both of you at the same time, can I?"

"I'm afraid not."

I took my hand out of her grasp and left the table. By choosing to stay with Wayne, she is supporting his harmful opinions, and I can't have someone like that in my life. I liked to think that the choice is always yours. Nobody can force you to do or support the wrong path.

As I was about to leave the Great Hall, I was met with Pansy entering the hall — with Draco. Pansy's eyes met mine before they shifted to something behind me. Following her gaze, I craned my neck to peek at the person at my rear. The girl who stood there, looked scared as if Draco and Pansy would harm her. Draco left the room immediately, while Pansy stared at that girl as if she'd seen a ghost.

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