Chapter 4 - And that's good for you

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Draco is not the smart ass he wants people to believe he is. He is my best friend and a potential future husband like my mother likes to say, merely he is bewildered in this parenting dilemma as much as I am. He comes second in class which is amazing, but it also saddens me because he doesn't do this for himself. I never truly worried about grades as long as I don't fail, honestly I wouldn't even care if failed. I know he feels the same way but still pushes himself, probably because his father practically forces him to work harder than he really should.

"Are you going to finish your homework or are you going to keep staring at me?" he quirked his brows, lips twitching in a smirk, indicating he isn't finished with his witty remark. "As I get it, I'm hot and all but it's 7, and I am nearly done with my homework, so I would really like for us to head down for dinner."

I was about to reply with a witty remark of my own, but then it soon dawned on me. Shit, I have a detention to attend and professor Snape would not be pleased if I were late, so I hurriedly said farewell to Draco and sprinted my way to the potion's classroom. As much as I knew that Snape would not make me face consequences because I was from his house, yet I still didn't want to be tardy. Hoping to get a lecture from the professor, I entered the classroom.

To my surprise, I only found Diggory's sister sitting on one of the desks right in front of the teacher's table. Noticing me she gave me a nod of acknowledgment with a little smile and moved to her desk making space for me to sit beside her. What the fuck is her deal? Why is she so hellbent on defending me and being nice to me when I've been rude to her? Ignoring her gesture, I walked and took a seat right in front of her instead of beside her. Before she could say anything, the classroom's door flipped open and Snape walked in with the blank face he always has.

"Ms. Parkinson and Ms. Diggory, I didn't expect this duo when I was asked to supervise the detention."

"Um, sir-" she tried to explain and was cut off, again. God, I hate how she lets people talk over her. I would be so mad if I were her.

" Your punishment is to clean the classroom," noticing my smile he continued, "without your wands so hand them to me." Diggory did that in an instant, whereas it took me a second to register before handing him my wand. Getting a hold of our wands he left the classroom and in a second Diggory stood up.

" I'm proceeding to clean this area, how about you take that?" She suggested, pointing her finger towards the other side of the room.

Without my approval, she stood up and commenced cleaning the area she assigned herself. I had originally planned to let her do our punishment, while I simply sit there and do nothing in general, maybe bully her, but as if my body betrayed my mind I stood up and moved to the area I was assigned by her and began doing our task. Her lips twitched into something which I reckoned was a smirk, I'm habituated to witness that a lot, especially on the faces of certain Slytherin mainly Draco and Blaise. She didn't smirk, though, she gave me a soft smile, pleased to discover that I didn't throw her a rude comeback and then went on with her work.

After a while, she started saying something and I turned around, only to discover her already facing me. "I looked into the tournament's history, like a lot and people don't die when they lose. Actually, nobody has ever died in this tournament. Also, Madam Pence, the librarian, I thought her name was prince for three years," she snickered, but continued," so yeah, she also said nobody ever dies in the tournament, and getting your name in the goblet of fire is probably the most respectful thing a student could do. She literally had to force me out of the library due to the fact that I couldn't lay off reading about the tournament," Noticing her rambling she came to a pause and signed, jumping straight to her point.

"So why did you say that? "Her eyes gazed at me softly, waiting for my reply. If I were in her place I definitely would not be patient. I would have probably hexed me if I were her, but she didn't, she stood there patiently waiting for me to explain myself. As if I myself knew why I said that. I saw a lot of hateful shit to a lot of people, I just like to see people flicker as my words hit them, nobody ever confronted me about that, probably because they knew that that's the kind of shitty person I am and talking it over with me would only lead to me being more mean but there she stood meeting my gaze, hoping for me to solve her and my turmoil. Fuck, it almost feels like she requires me to explicate my reason to me. Her gaze had that stability in them that understood her actions and words but cannot fathom mine.

Recognizing that I wasn't going to reply, she broke the silence, "I Just feel like it was wrong of you to say that. It wasn't a nice thing to do" she concluded.

"I'm sorry," I whispered. what the fuck? why did I just say that?

She nodded her head as if saying it's okay and turned about to clean the spilled potion on the desk behind her. She made me feel something weird in the pit of my stomach, once more. It felt as if something inside me was gesturing me to be careful with my words around her. I've never been careful about the shit I say to people, but I didn't want to hurt her. What the fuck was I feeling?

AN- That weird feeling in Pansy's stomach isn't love, it's guilt. Sorry, but I am not going to give y'all those romantic feelings this soon sksksks. Also, we (y/n) need to grow some balls so people could stop talking over us. Hope y'all liked this chapter.
With love,

IN ANOTHER LIFE (Pansy Parkinson x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now