Chapter 9 - I had all and then most of you

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Not having detention gave me a lot of spare time. I finally had time to listen to Megan talk about how much she did not like when Wayne skips his quidditch practice just to spend some time with her. This made me think of Ced, who was avoiding me. It wasn't like he was completely ignoring which would have been better honestly, but he was treating me like some sort of a housemate, not his sister and it bothered me. He just knew what to do to get on my nerves like he was waiting for me to break and apologize to him. Now that things were going back to normal I needed to mend things because I can't stand that smug look on Cho's face. I mean, I get she is his girlfriend, but she has got to stop treating me like some competition. The reason I hate her is that she completely supports my homophobic dad and doesn't even disagree with his bullshit, unlike Ced. Of course, Ced doesn't know about this, he genuinely likes that girl and I can't do this to him.

 The time I had now caused me to think about Pansy too, a lot actually, and how I messed stuff with her. I tried to approach her, but I couldn't do that when I'm surrounded by everyone. Hufflepuff and Slytherin don't have classes together except for Herbology. We usually have classes with Ravenclaw whereas Slytherin has it with Gryffindor. So the only place where I could talk to her is either Great Hall or outside her common room and both seem like shitty places. Hence I decided to sneak out of my common room after 8 and meet her under the staircase.

I felt very bad when I was making my way towards the kitchen, knowing that she had to go through the detention while I don't. I made my way and waited for her and when she did not show up I asked Insley about her whereabouts, turns out she did not eat anything after her detention. I somehow feel that it is my fault, who am I kidding? It is my fault.

Pushing aside the turmoil in my head, I made my way to my dorm so I could sleep but I couldn't. I kept tossing and turning wondering whether she ate something in her dorm or not. After a shitty night, my morning wasn't great either. Megan was not in our dorm, she probably went ahead with Wayne. Ced wasn't talking to me so I had to ascend my way to the great hall alone. I need to make things right with Ced, with his tournament's first task approaching, he doesn't need his sister's anger as a distraction.

"Hey, y/n" Wayne greeted me when I reached our spot on the table.

"Hey, I'm sorry for leaving without you this morning. Ced wanted us to help with his tournament practice" Meg added.

Oh okay, I did not know that. Ced usually takes me when he goes for practice but I guess you wouldn't want to take your sister when you're mad at her.

"Us? " I inquired.

"Oh me, Wayne and Cho," Meg clarified.

Ugh, I hate Cho. She is constantly comparing herself to me which makes utterly no sense. Ced loves both of us differently, one more than the other, but that's just what you get with sibling forte. You can't expect him to choose his 4-month girlfriend over his sister whom he grew up with. Before I could rant to my best friend about my brother's girlfriend and why I detest her; I saw Pansy leaving the Great Hall.

Realizing this could be my only opportunity to talk to her, I followed her outside without saying goodbye to Meg and Wayne.

"Hey, Pansy," I called her once I recognized we were alone and she didn't stop. I assumed she didn't hear me, but she didn't give up when I addressed her once more. She just continued moving forward faster, ignoring me. Okay, I know I messed up, but I need her to understand why I said what I said.

 So, I took a slight leap of faith and held her arm in my hand stopping her in her tracks. She immediately yanked her hand out of my grip and turned around with a scowl. Fuck, I messed up badly.


"Pansy, I can expla-"

"Parkinson," she said with no emotion on her face.

"What? "I questioned. Why is she telling me her last name?

"It's Parkinson for you," she said with an authority in her voice that sent a shiver down my spine.


"I'm sorry for what I said. I can explain if you would just give me a chance."

"Why? You hate me and my kind. You think I'm just a bully, right? I'm going to show you what you already think I am."

Before I could understand or do something she had me pinned against the wall behind me. My wrists were held tightly above my head in one of her hands and her other hand pressed her wand on my throat. She liked having that power over me, a smirk formed on her face when she saw me gulp. What kind of sick person finds pleasure in others' pain or misery?

"Pan-" I tried to speak.

"It is Parkinson for you, bitch" she spat.

Before I could say something she increased the pressure on my throat and wrists and leaned in towards my ear before whispering a hex. My robe caught fire and she forced me towards the floor before going forth.

I hurriedly countered her spell making my clothes and myself fire-free and she was gone. I should have listened to Cedric, he's going to be so satisfied when I acknowledge this to him. I can't tell him this because he would definitely get her into some kind of trouble. What should I do?

No, what the fuck? I could not let her terrorize or humiliate me. As soon as this thought entered my mind, my legs started walking towards the Slytherin common room, hoping to give her a piece of my mind before she was out of my sight.

"Parkinson, you listen to me, I'm not some sort of-" before I could finish she raise her wand towards me. I quickly defended myself by disarming her.

 "You do no get to treat me like shit because unlike you my mind is pretty sorted. I don't have a fucked up mind that needs to inflict pain on others to feel something." I yelled before I began to depart.

 "Next time think before you try to attack me because you are not ready to face the consequences of your actions, bitch." I warned her before leaving, putting an added emphasis on the word bitch. She cannot expect me to watch and cry whilst she hurts me. I have defended her a lot and I don't deserve to be treated like shit.

A/N - Ahhh yes pop off queen. Pansy is not gonna be a likable character anymore. She is struggling with her parents and sexuality, but that doesn't give her a right to be shitty to others. She is literally a female version of Draco and she deserves a redemption arc as well.

Also, I really wanted to show that Hufflepuffs are so much more than just nice and loyal so I'm really gonna try to make y/n a normal person with her own personality rather than some house traits.
With love,

IN ANOTHER LIFE (Pansy Parkinson x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now