Chapter 38

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Karlie's POV-
After all we have been through Haley is just going to move out like that. We can't let her do this. I look over at Mikayla and she looks upset. Me eyes are watery and Haley looks at Mikayla about to burst in to tears.

"Mikayla-" was all she could say before Mikayla ran into her room and slamming the door behind her. "Smooth move Haley. After everything we have been through together. After us helping you so much." I say.

Haley looks at me. "I'm sorry. I didn't know it meant that much to you. I thought this is how Alyssa would be, but since this how your guys are. God knows how bad Alyssa will be." She says.

I just look at her in shock. She didn't think we will be that bad!? "You know what Haley. Your mind is fucked up right now. You are making the wrong move. Don't do it. Your acting stupid." I hissed before I run to my room.

Haley's POV-
What am I doing. They are right. They helped me out and Casey wasn't here for anything. Karlie? Or Mikayla? I walk to Mikayla's room since Karlie was in the shower.

I knock on the door twice. She didn't answer. "Mikayla?" I say. She didn't reply. I open the door to see her in the corner of her room with her eyes stained with tears.

"Get out." She says just above a whisper. I look at her. "Mikayla I'm sorry. I talked to Karlie and I will stay. For you guys." I say.

"Haley you don't understand. We help you when she didn't. Who took you in when your parents threw you out? Who helped with being pregnant? The one who helped when the babies arrived? Who helped when Matt was an asshole?" She says while crying.

Wow they did help so much. "Mikayla, you, Karlie and Alyssa have helped so much, and I hadn't really thanked you guys. For everything. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me. I promise I will never leave. Please" I say.

She looks at me and nods. I walk over to her and give her a hug. She hugs back and then I say, "I'm going to talk to Karlie." She nods and and I walk to Karlies. Here I go.

I knock on Karlies door. "Hello?" I say. "Come on." She says. I open the door and see her on her bed with her computer and her iPhone listening to music in her speaker. Little do you know was on and she was singing it.

Karlie doesn't show her emotions well so you know when she is sad. "Hey Kar Kar." I say. She looks up. "Hi Haley. Look if you came to tell me your getting ready to go I don't want to here it." She says teary eyed.

"Karlie, I'm not moving. I'm staying right here in this fucking house with the best people I can ask for." I say. Karlie looks at me. "Your not leaving us?!" She says with a smile. I shake my head.

She comes over and hugs me. I hug her back. "Get some sleep I'll see you guys tomorrow" she says and walks off to her room.

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