Chapter 18

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Mikayla's POV-

Haley came in and looked like normal. Leggings, uggs and baggy sweatshirt, but hey today she has on mascara. We decided to go to the mall and Haley let Karlie drive. Worst mistake ever she almost killed us like the usual Karlie. Normally I wouldn't care but Haley is pregnant and it is not good for the baby. I look over at Haley she is texting someone. I haven't really seen her on iPhone unless checking social media but she was texting someone. I looked at her phone quietly so she wouldn't see and noticed she was texting Matt. All the texts were from Haley. She was saying I loved you, what did I do? I take her phone for her. " WHAT THE HELL HALEY. HE LEFT YOU AND THE BABY DONT APOLOGIZE. WE STAYED HALEY. I'M DELETING HIS CONTACT." I take her phone and delete it. I know Haley probably has his number in her mind but whatever. Haley looked hurt it was mean what I did but I was looking out for her. " NO MIKAYLA I MISS HIM" I told her to stop. Everything was back to normal as if nothing had happened. Me and Haley had made up. We walked in the mall all smiling and went shopping.

Karlie's POV-

Hearing Mikayla and Haley screaming wasn't the best thing ever. Me and Alyssa would look at eachother. Mikayla was right. She had to forget about that motherfucker. We went in the mall. I could tell Mikayla was still pissed. " I have to go get something" Mikayla said and walked off. We planned to meet back their in an hour. I went off to find Mikayla while Haley and Alyssa were shopping. I found her. " Mikayla I know ur pissed but you have to calm down. Mikay-? Mikayla!" She wasn't even listening I looked where she was and saw it. My jaw dropped. It was Matt. I grabbed Mikayla and text Alyssa to go back to the spot now. When we got their I told Alyssa. I lied to Haley saying I felt sick so we went home. Everyone knew except for Haley it was a lie. We just didn't want Haley to see Matt. We walked out of the mall and was almost at the car when, " Haley" a voice called out. Haley turned and looked back. Her eyes filled with tears and started to cry. We got her in the car and left before she could make a mistake or even talk to the person. We got back to the house and sat in silence.

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