Chapter 19

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*1 week later*
Alyssa's POV-

I was sitting on the couch as Mikayla and I watched 'Dance Moms'. God I love that show. Karlie was on her way to take her drivers test. I hope she gets her license even though it's not that much likely she will, but I have faith in her.....a tiny bit.

Just then I heard a scream and a loud bang from upstairs. Mikayla and I looked at each other and ran up the stairs as fast as possible. We ran into Karlie's room where we heard Haley scream to see the floor wet and her holding her stomach in pain on the floor.

"G-guys I think my water just broke.... this baby's coming now." She said as we quickly helped her up.

Haley's POV-

I was folding Karlie's clothes for her while she was out to take her drivers test and then I felt the baby kick. I smiled, but then it kicked harder and it sent a shock of pain throughout my body.

The baby continued with this motion as the pain got worse and worse and I had my first contraction. I screamed in pain as I fell to the floor and I felt like I pissed myself. I then knew my water broke.

Alyssa and Mikayla came running into the room and stared at me in shock. "G-guys I think my water just broke....this baby's coming now." I said as they helped me up as quickly as possible.

Karlie's POV-

I finally made it to the place where I can take my test. Honestly, I don't know what to call the place, so yeah it's just a place.

I made my way inside and filled out a waver stating if I get in an accident blah blah blah I can't hold the company accountable blah blah blah and so on.

As I finished passing it back to the secretary, He smiled and gave me the keys to the car I would be driving.

I waited inside the car until my instructor came out and sat in the passenger seat.

"Hello Karlie, I'm your instructor Mrs. Garett, are you ready for your test?" She asked filling out something on her clipboard.

"Yes M'am." I said as she nodded and said "ok you may begin." I nodded back in response and put the car in gear. i checked my mirrors and backed out of the parking space cautiously. As I did so she continued writing on her clipboard.

We came to a stop sign and nobody came by after I counted to three, a trick Haley taught me, and continued on.

We came to a red light and like usual I stopped. As I continued driving I got a phone call.

"You may answer if you'd like." Mrs. Garett said. "no it's probably not important right now, if it is they'll leave a message." I said as I parallel parked back into the space I began.

"Well Karlie, just wait here and I'll be back with your results." she said smiling as she walked back into the building. I waited for a few minutes until she came back out and said "Congratulations, You have passed your test." she said smiling as she handed me my license and led me inside to take my photo.

I smiled proudly and waited for the picture to scan onto my license. I smiled as it finished and hugged Mrs. Garett unexpectedly and she chuckled as I thanked her multiple times.

I walked out of the building happy with myself as I checked my voicemail. "oh my god..." I said to myself as I rented a car from there and sped off to the hospital.

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