Chapter 26

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Mikayla's POV-

Haley embarrassed us in front of the whole fucking mall. Like really? What did we do? We just wanted to hang out with some friends. As we climbed into the car, I saw Leo and Cegan in the back. I smiled at them and they giggled. Alyssa and Karlie climbed in the back with them and we headed home. As we got home Karlie unlocked the door and ran inside.

Haley and I grabbed Cegan and Leo and Alyssa grabbed their diaper bag. We went inside to see Karlie sitting on the couch starring at a wall.

"Um Karlie." I said as I made my way over to her while holding Leo.

"What" was all she said. "are you ok?" I asked concerned. "not really." she said as she continued to focus on the wall. "why?" I plainly asked. "because Haley just embarrassed us infront of our friends and I just met the hottest guy I've ever seen in my life at the mall and when Haley flipped out at us he just starred at me." she said putting her head down.

"Ouch, that's gotta suck." I said as I sat Leo down on the floor. "Ya think." she said sarcastically. "Well we still have to take care of the twins tonight so maybe we could take them to the playground or-" I started trying to get her mind off of the subject, but she cut me off.

"no. ever since those two things came into my life, it's been hell. I can't take it anymore! They ruin everything I do! I try to go to the mall and hang out with friends, their there! I try to meet a nice guy, nope I need to babysit! I try to go on a date, nope someone needs a diaper change! I try to go for a drive alone, NOPE I NEED TO BRING SOMEONE TO DAYCARE GOD DAMNIT! I CANT TAKE IT!" She yelled as she ran to the kitchen and grabbed her car keys.

"I'm going for a drive." she mumbled as she ran out the door and to her Mercedes.

"Wow" was all Alyssa said as she walked back to her room. "s-she really feels that way" Haley said tearing up. "yeah, she does. She thinks these kids are a curse on her personal and social life." I said as I picked up Leo and brought him to the baby's room to play with Cegan.

Karlie's POV-

I get in the car and out on music. I decide to put in my favorite song, 'fuck you' Pitch Perfect version. I sing it thinking of Haley the whole time and keep driving. Fuck life.

I drive to the store and go shopping. I go into FYE and see the boy again. Oh god I think to myself I started to walk out when I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Hey, are you okay from earlier?" He asks. "Yah" I say. I get ready to when he hands me his number. "Call me. When you have time." I smile, score! "Sure" I say and head home to hell.

I got home and I went into my room and took out my phone without speaking to anyone. I called the guy I met at the mall.

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

"Hello?" Asked a voice on the other side.

"Oh hi, um its me Karlie. We met up twice at the mall." I said biting my lip.

"Oh hey what's up?" he asked cheerily. "not much, just chillin at home" I said getting a bit more relaxed.

"Ah the old chilla-roo." he said as I could tell he was smirking. "what the-" I started but just burst out laughing.

"What? What's wrong with that punchline?!" He laughed. "N-nothing" I laughed. "mhmm." he said. "hey I never got your name?" I said though it came out more of a question.

"Oh it's Clifford. Michael Clifford." he said in a James Bon voice. "Smooth. Just real smooth." I laughed. "Well what about you Ms. Karlie?" He asked. "Lockhart. Karlie Lockhart." I said in the same voice.

"Well it's nice to meet you Ms. Lockhart." he said. "as well you Mr. Clifford." I said smiling.

"Hey I was wondering, would you want to meet up for pizza sometime or go to the movies?" He asked kinda shyly. "why I would love to Michael." I said still smiling, but this time even brighter.

"Well I'll talk to you tomorrow then?" He asked. "maybe." I said smirking. "ah. Feisty I like that." he said. "goodnight Mr. Clifford." I said as he said "As to you Ms. Lockhart" We then hung up and I got a text.

Unknown: Night lovely ;)

I just rolled my eyes and added his contact as 😄Mr. Clifford😚

I started squealing and Alyssa came in my room along with Mikayla saying "what the- oh what is it now?" Mikayla asked.

"Nothing, just a guy." I said. they smirked and Alyssa said "what's his name?"

"Michael Clifford." I said smiling as I showed them a picture we took together. They looked at each other then back at me. "dude. That's Michael Clifford from 5sos." I looked at them confused. "who from what now?" I asked.

"Michael Clifford from the band 5 Seconds of Summer, the one that always dyes his hair so often, and the one band Alyssa always raves about." Mikayla said.

"YOUR GOING ON THAT DATE." Alyssa yelled. "how did you know I was meeting him up? And second this isn't a date...just uh-uh get together." I said.

"We might have eavesdropped, and it is so a date." Alyssa said.

"Whatever goodnight guys." I said as I pushed them out the door as they squealed and I got ready and went to bed.

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