Chapter 23

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Karlie's POV-

I heard the baby's crying in the other room. Their room is between mine and Haley's and Mikayla's and Alyssa's rooms are across.

I got up knowing everyone else was asleep and surely wouldn't wake up. I dragged my way into the room and I picked them both up cradling them both in one arm each.

I looked into their eyes and saw so much of Haley in them, its was hard to resist loving them so much. Their eyes did look a bit different though, they reminded me of my eyes. Leo smiled and giggled and I chuckled wondering how I couldn't love them each equally.

I looked back over at Cegan and she was playing with my pointer finger and gently kicking Leo. I put them back down as soon as they fell asleep and admired them.

I heard the door open to see Haley watching me smiling. "what?" I asked.

"Nothing. I just like watching you adore them. Its like you feel like a mother yourself." she laughed.

"Ha, yeah, I guess your right." I said drawing my gaze away from them.

"You should get back to bed." she said as she shyly smiled. "yeah, I guess your right again." I sighed as I kissed their heads and went back into the hallway, but Haley grabbed my arm.

"Hey, I like the way you look after them. Someday all three of you girls will be great mothers." she said as she let me go and went into the room to check on her babies.

I smiled to myself and went back to bed, thinking of what she just said. Me being a mother? I don't know if that would ever be possible.

Haley's POV-

I woke up to the babies crying, but then I heard someone get up and go into their room. I smiled as I laid there a few more minutes. I decided to get up to check on my angels.

As I walked in to see Karlie holding them, cradling them in her arms. I watched her amazed. She started rocking them back and forth and singing to them. I loved watching her like this. She hasn't really been the same since.....the incident....a secret I doubt she would speak of again.

Only Mikayla, Alyssa and I know, but I'm just not sure if she's ready to come out to the rest of the world. This secret has literally put a cage around her heart and soul....I know...some deep stuff right there.

I watched as she put them down and admired them. The door then creaked and she saw me. She smiled as so did I and we had a short conversation.

She left as I could tell she had a smile on her face. I closed the baby's rooms door and went over to them.

"Hey my angels" I cooed as I picked them up as they slept. I whispered to them "momma loves you " I said as I kissed there foreheads. "Don't worry my babies, Aunty loves you, shes just afraid to show it." I said as I left the room and went back to bed.

Mikayla's POV-

I woke up the next morning and went to check on the babies. I love them so much. I heard Haley and Karlie last night...Karlie actually admired something other then food and shopping for that's a huge step for her.

I took Leo and Cegan out of their room and put them in their high chairs for breakfast.

"Here comes the Choo-Choo train 'Chaga, Chaga, Chaga, Chaga, WOO WOO!' " I said as I feed both of them.

After mine, and their breakfast, I cleaned up and woke up Alyssa and Karlie by smack cam. Karlie got pissed because she got less hours of sleep last night, which is understandable, but then started chasing me around with scissors saying "IM GONNA CUT YOU BITCH!". Alyssa just slapped me back as she went to take a shower.

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