Chapter 44

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*13 years later*

Mikayla's POV:

"Come on guys lets go! Your gonna be late!" Karlie screamed to Cegan and Leo. "We're coming Aunt Karlie!" Cegan screamed from her room on the top floor. We heard them start running down 2 flights of stairs and met us in the kitchen.

"Hey Aunt 'Kayla, hey Aunt Kar' " Leo said as he highfived us and Cegan came down and hugged us. "Ready to go kiddos?" I asked them as I threw them their doughnuts.

"Yup, lets go! I call Aunt Karlie's car!" Leo screamed as he raced out the door and grabbed his backpack on the way. "I call Aunt Mikayla's!" Cegan yelled as she ran out the door as well, struggling to hold onto her bag.

"Race time?" Karlie asked. "Race time" I sighed as we grabbed our hot chocolate and headed towards the garage.

"Bye Haley! Your picking the twins up after school right?" I yelled as I opened the door. "Yup! Tell them I'll be a few minutes late though!" She yelled from upstairs. "ok! Bye!" Karlie yelled back to her as we left and got into our cars. I own a Jeep, Karlie owns a Maserati, and Haley owns a black Honda.

Once we were inside our cars. We explained the rules as usual and opened the garage.

"On the count of three....1...2...3...GO!" I said and we sped off.

Karlie's POV:

We drove off and I turned on the radio.
I took off the hood of my car and let the breeze run through my hair and basically slap against my skin because damn was it a windy day.

Leo continued to flip through radio stations until he found one he liked. "So what made you want to ride with
me today instead of with Aunt Mikayla?" I asked him.

"Well I miss being in your car and Cegan always takes you away from me to go to the mall and stuff and when all of you got to the mall, including mom, I'm left home alone and it sucks, I always have to take care of Toast" he told me. "Remind me again why you called our dog toast?" I asked as we made a 'U' turn and sped off once again.

"Well he reminded me of toast! Don't judge me I was four alright!" He said. "whoa, take it easy there man, no need to get all defensive" I joked and he laughed.

Soon we arrived at the school and he got out of the car. "Ha! We beat them!" He cheered in victory. Just then his friends came over and started talking to him. I sat in the car and Waited for Mikayla and Cegan. 5 minutes later they arrived and Cegan got out.

"Both of you remember your moms picking you up today!" I said as I pulled out of the school parking lot along with Mikayla and left.

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