Chapter 42

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Karlie's POV:

I woke up to Mikayla violently shaking me. "Get up! I wanna go to the mall!" She screamed at me.

"Ughhh" I groaned and flipped over to the other side of my bed and covered my head with my pillow. "I don't wanna get up"

She then went over to my closet and picked me out something to wear. I started to fall back asleep until Mikayla came over and smacked my ass. I screamed in pain "Okay! Okay! I'm up!" I yelled at her as I jumped out of bed and got dizzy from how fast I got up.

"Now get dressed and meet me downstairs" she said as she closed the door behind her. I glared at the door and then rubbed my eyes. I went over to the dresser where she left my clothes. She put out grey sweatpants with a sweatshirt and my '5 Seconds of Summer' band t-shirt.

I put it all on and slipped on my grey Ugg boots. I then went over to my mirror and put on some makeup. I put on concealer, mascara and eyeliner and braided my hair. I grabbed my phone and jumped over the railing and meet Mikayla in the living room. I then grabbed my keys and looked over at Mikayla. "Ready?" I asked her. "Ready" she said as we made our way out of the house and to my car.

Mikayla's POV:

We got into Karlie's car and drove to the mall. When we got there, we parked and went inside. "I missed the mall so much" I said as I took a deep breath of fresh air and went into Duncan Doughnuts.

"What do you want?" I asked Karlie. "I'll have a bacon, egg and cheese croissant with chocolate milk" she said.

"What about you?" She asked me. "yeah I'll have the same" I said and we walked up to the cashier who took our order. We got our croissants and chocolate milk and left Duncan Doughnuts.

"Where do you wanna go first?" She asked. "I'm thinking maybe PINK?" I said. "sounds good to me" she said with a mouthful of bacon, egg and cheese. I laughed at her and we made our way to PINK.

"What about these ones?" I asked Karlie as I came out in black yoga pants with a purple waistband. "oh!! I like those ones, how much are they?" She asked. I checked the price tag and my eyes widened. "$98.00" I told her. "oh. I don't like them anymore" she said as she took a sharp breath like she was just hit by a truck.

I laughed at her but then agreed. "yeahhh, I dont like them anymore either. To pricey" I said as I went back into the dressing room and changed.

"Ok let's go" she said as we left PINK. "ok since PINK was to expensive, wanna go to Target?" Karlie asked. "yeah let's go" I said as I dragged her inside.

We bought a few things, and went around the mall going into different stores and trying samples from food and smoothie carts.

We then left the mall and brought the bags to the car. We put them in the trunk and headed home.

"Oh look! A bar!" Karlie said as we came close to it. "oh no! Don't even think about it!" I told her. "oh come on KK, haven't you ever at least wanted to try a margarita or martini?" She asked.

"Yeah, but I want to wait until I'm 21, the legal age" I said as I emphasized legal.

"But-please" she begged. I looked at her and she seemed desperate. "fine" I sighed and she squealed as she parked in the parking lot. We got out of the car. And went inside.

The bar smelt of vodka, beer and a lot of other alcohol substances. We went up to the bar tender, who seemed to familiar. "Emma?" I asked as I saw our friend serving a red headed women.

"Mikayla? Karlie? I haven't seen you guys since you left high school! How are you?" She asked. "we're good, can you hook us up with 2 margaritas?" Karlie asked. "sure thing" she said as she concocted the drink and served them to us. "how much?" I asked. "there on the house" Emma smiled as she started creating a whiskey and vodka mix for the guy at the other end of the counter.

"To us?" Karlie asked. "To us" I said as I took a deep breath and gulped down the beverage. It stung my throat at first, but then started to taste good. Karlie and I started to have more and more, until I felt like I couldn't stand.

"Come on *hiccup* we better get home" she said. "ye-*hiccup*-yeah" I said as we got into the car and started to drive home. Thank god we made it home safe.

By the time we made it home we were out of our drunken state, but you could definitely smell we drank. We grabbed the bags out of the trunk and Karlie unlocked the door.

We ran to our rooms and placed our bags down. "come on, we better brush our teeth" Karlie said and I nodded. We went into the bathroom and brushed out teeth and used mouth wash various times. By the time we were finished brushing our teeth and finishing our mouths, we both went into our own rooms and passed out.

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