Chapter 3

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Mikayla's POV-

I saw Haley run out of my room with tear stained cheeks. Karlie and I looked at each other confused and started walking down the hall.

"Alyssa" I screamed, trying to figure out where she was. "In here" I heard her say quietly. "What happened? Haley ran out crying. Is she okay?" Karlie and I asked in unison. "all we did was talk." She said with a sad/happy smirk.

I wasn't sure if to believe her considering 'talking' didn't end so well. "Are you sure?" Karlie asked uncertain.

Just then Alyssa burst into tears and said "N-no, Haley l-loves Matt more then me a-and that hurts." We went over and hugged her as she continued.

"She said that s-she wants to be w-with Matt and I got m-mad because she-" she finished as she cried. Karlie and I comforted her and told her it would be alright and she just nodded in response.

Karlie's POV-

I felt really bad for Alyssa. Haley has been ignoring her lately and I can tell it hurts her. As she finishes crying as we handed her tissues she got up off the bed and said "you guys wanna go out?"

Mikayla and I nodded and she pulled us up off the bed and dragged us down stairs. "We're going out" Alyssa grumbled as she grabbed all our phones and handed them to us.

"Alyssa you can't go out." Matt told her. "watch me asshole" she yelled as she dragged us out the door.

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