Chapter 27

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Karlie POV-

I woke up..... Wait WHAT THE FUCKK! I woke up?!?! Shit I thought it was true😭 well my dreams were ruined. Haley didn't embarrass us it was a dream. Damn it! I should have known I had no friends.

I get out of bed to the smell of bacon. Alyssa is cooking, nope Haley! Wait HALEY?! I walk out and grab a piece, " Hey" I say. "Olah" she says back. We smile and I walk to my room. I decide to get ready and take a shower.

I jam out to 5 SOS and then finish my shower. I get out and put on leggings and a sweater with uggs. I Straiten my hair and put on make up. I walk back to the living room, now everyone is their.

" hey" I say and give a warm smile. Mikayla says hi and then Alyssa is in the corner and looks like shit. I decided to talk to Mikayla. " wanna go to Dunkins with me?" I ask. " YASSS" she says and runs off to grab her phone. She comes back out and we tell Haley and Alyssa and leave.

Mikayla's POV-

Karlie comes out and asks me to go to Dunkins. I decided to go because I was hungry and wanted to hang with her. We really haven't really hung alone with all this shit going on.

We get into the car and put on music or more like blare the music haha. We put on Tuesday and jam out and head off to Dunkins. We drive their and just talk and catch up on stuff we have missed on eachother.

We get to Dunkins. I order a hot chocolate and a sandwich and Karlie gets the same. Since we are not in a rush and will just be going back to babies crying and all that drama we decide to eat their.

We were their for an hour ten decided to go home. We got in the car and we put on music again this time I don't fuck with you came on. We pull out &of the drive way when all of a sudden.......... BAMMMM!!!!!!!

Karie's POV-

We left Dunkins and pulled out of the parking lot when... BANGG! Then it all went black.

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