Chapter 40

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Alyssa's POV:

I woke up and got out of bed. I went into the living room to see Mikayla sitting on the couch watching 'The Walking Dead".

"Hey, where is everyone?" I asked her. "well Haley is still sleeping and Karlie took the babies to the doctor" she said and then turned to me as it came to a commercial.

"Wait why?" I asked. "Cegan had some sort of rash on her lady parts, so yah" she said as she got up and went into the kitchen. Just then Karlie came into the house and Mikayla threw her a pack of gushers.

"Thanks!" She yelled as she put the kids on the play room and came back out. "hey I got to go to take a shower, I'll be right back" I told them as I set my phone down and left to go take a shower.

Mikayla's POV:

Karlie came to sit on the couch with me and we continued to watch "The Walking Dead".

"So how is Cegan?" I asked as I lay my head down on her lap. "she's fine the doctor said to just get a baby powder instead of a diaper powder and everything will be fine" she told me.

Just then Alyssa's phone went off. "is it bad I want to check it?" Karlie asked. "yes it is" I told her. "to late" she said as she snatched Alyssa's phone and unlocked it.

"She got a text from....Josh? Why would she be texting him?" She said as she started scrolling trough her texts. Just then her eyes widened.

"That fucking bitch" she hissed. "what?" I asked. "look!" She screamed as she handed me the phone. I started scrolling through her texts to see things from calling us fake, to bitches, and telling him we don't care about her and that we make her life hell. She also started talking crap about us to. And that Josh is her boyfriend.

"What the fuck" I said as my eyes started to tear up. "I know" Karlie grumbled. "what are we gonna do?" I asked. "well I know what I'm gonna do when she gets out of that shower." she mumbled. "don't you even think about punching her" I scolded. "oh come on she deserves it, after all we've done for her she deserves to be socked in the face" she said.

"No. we will not sink to her level" I told her and she just rolled her eyes. "fine"

Just then Alyssa came out of the bathroom and went into her room to change. We quickly set down her phone and waited patiently on the couch.

She came back out and sat back down on the couch. "So what's up?" She asked. "well 'the walking dead' ended, I just finished a pack of gushers, Cegan's fine we just need to change powders, and your a fake ass bitch" Karlie said as she shut off her own phone.

"W-what?" Alyssa asked. "yeah, we saw the texts and the lies you told us. Oh! And by the way, next time you have a boyfriend make sure he's not as desperate as you" she hissed at her as she ran into her room and slammed the door. I looked at Alyssa as tears spilt and I shook my head and ran into Karlie's room and sat next to her on her bed.

"We just lost our best friend" I said.

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