Chapter 24

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^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^. Characters in photo above

Alyssa's POV-

I woke up by being smacked in the face by Mikayla. Ughh today is going to be a long dayy! I get out of bed and see Leo and Cegan sitting in their playpen. I walk to Haley's room and hear snoring, so I let her sleep. Then I decided to take a shower. While I'm showering I hear Karlie, "I WILL CUT YOU BITCH!" I just laugh. Stupid Karlie and Mikayla they always are back and forth. I get out of the shower and get dressed. Haley is awake when I head out to the living room. " Heyyy!" I say smiling. "Hi" they grunt in response. Whatever I'm in a good mood because to be honest I don't even know. According to their attitudes they aren't though.

Haley's POV

"Heyyy!" Alyssa said. It has been a couple weeks since the babies were born so now I'm back at work at the music studio. I have 2 girls in that class that remind me of Mikayla and Karlie when they first came to my class. Ever since that day Alyssa came home and said that she has some new friends. I had wondered who, then at the studio I heard them say Alyssa's name. " Alyssa McGuire?" I say. " yah we r really close" they said. " oh that is my sister" then on we have known eachother. (Flashback there) " well I gotta go get ready for work." I say. They look at me and say okay. " I have an extra driving lesson" Karlie says. I guess it is Mikayla and Alyssa watching them then. "Me and u BÆ" Alyssa says. Mikayla just smiles and nods, I like their friendship. I used to have a friendship like that, until I moved.
I go in my room and throw on yoga pants a sweatshirt and messy bun and leave the house.

* at music studio*

We were dancing to the music when a 12 year old hit my boob.... Hard. She looked at me obviously noticing and I just give her a smile. I stay there till class is over then head back home to see the babies and the girls.

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