Chapter 41

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Karlie's POV:

"We just lost our best friend" Mikayla said to me. "yeah I know" I said through gritted teeth. "are you upset?" she asked wiping away tears. "Not exactly, I'm more angry then anything else." I told her.

"I understand why, I'm pretty mad to. I don't know why she would think that, but at least we know her true feelings." she sniffled.

"Don't be upset Mikayla, she's just a dumb bitch that doesn't appreciate what she had" I told her. "I-I know its just that I feel like we've known her forever a-and now all that we've ever been though together has been a big lie except for us" she said and I hugged her. "I know it's upsetting, but we just gotta get through it."

"I know, but what are we gonna do? We live with her" She asked. "then let's not live with her. We'll leave. We can come back every once in a while to help Haley with the babies. And we'll only come back for Haley. Not her" I told her.

"I don't know Karlie, I need to think about it" she said. "ok just let me know" I said to her. "girls! Dinner is ready!" Haley yelled from the kitchen. Mikayla wiped her eyes and we left to go into the kitchen.

"What's for dinner? It smells great!" I said as I set the table. "Chicken with pasta and Alfredo sauce" she said as she passed out a plate to each of us and we sat at the table. Guess who sat across from Alyssa. Yup the one and only MEEE!

Haley's POV:

The girls have been acting weird all throughout dinner. I don't know exactly what's going on but I think I should let them settle it out themselves.

As soon as we were all done with our meals we cleaned up and all the girls went to their own rooms without saying a word. I started to suspect something, but just ignored it.

I went into the babies room and rocked them to sleep. I then soon fell asleep myself in the rocking chair.

Mikayla's POV:

I was still awake in my room, on my phone. I looked over at my clock and it was 2:00AM. I texted Karlie to see if she was awake.

Me: heyyyy

Sock Monkey: hiii, was up?

Me: nmu?

Sock Monkey: nm, I got a ?

Me: shoot, what is it?

Sock Monkey: want to go to the mall tomorrow? Just us, to have a girls day?

Me: sounds great, what time?

Sock Monkey: whenever we get up

Me: sounds like a game plan, see u tomorrow?

Sock Monkey: k byeeee

Me: byeeee.

I then shut off my phone and drifted off into sleep thinking about what happened today.

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