Chapter 25

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*at home*
Haley's POV-
I walk inside when all of sudden the babies are crying. I walk to their room noticing just Alyssa sitting there. Where are the other two? I wake up Alyssa,"Where are the girls?" I say. " I don't know. They left an hour ago with some kids." I look confused. Karlie and Mikayla having other friends, am I sleeping? I look around and notice a note. 'Haley out with some friends. Be back later. Don't call bye!' I look around pissed. "ALYSSA GRAB THE BABIES. GET IN THE CAR, WE R GOING TO GET THE GIRLS!" I say.

Alyssa's POV-
I put the babies in the car. Haley looks pissed. They are just hanging out with friends, why does it matter? We go to the mall, and that is where they are. I only knew that because Mikayla and Karlie text me telling me. I see them and run up to them. "Guys, Haley is here, and is pissed." They just look at me. "Why does it matter? We are just hanging out with friends!" They say, it's true. Haley comes over and flips out at them while all their friends looking at them. I felt SO bad but couldn't say anything. They run to the car and don't talk at all. We get to the house and they run into Mikayla's room pissed.

Karlie's POV-
Haley is a bitch. She embarrassed us in front of all our friends. Right now me and Mikayla are in her room listening to music and just talking. I'm so mad. I'll get over it, it's just that she is way to over protective. Like we are not even realated or anything. I sit and talk, really annoyed.

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