Chapter 11

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*2 days later*
Karlie's POV-

And Today we have school....yippee...(note the sarcasm)

I woke up at 5:30 trying to get ready after I took my shower. I put my hair in a French braid and put on my black vans with ripped washed out skinny jeans and black crop top and leather jacket. I then put on my mascara, eyeliner and tarte watermelon lipstick.

As I grabbed my backpack I went into the kitchen to see Mikayla and Alyssa ready to go as well. Alyssa was wearing a black shirt that says "Food is Life" she also wore regular skinny jeans and her black bear paws with her hair slightly curled. She also had mascara and lipgloss on.

Mikayla was wearing galaxy leggings with her Galaxy vans and she also had a Purple crop top and her hair was in a messy bun. She put on mascara and a tiny bit of eyeliner, with eoś lip balm.

As we each grabbed a pop tart and ate it we then brushed our teeth and sat there talking until it was time to go.

"Guys I can believe we're already Juniors!" I said excitedly. "I know, I hated being a Freshman, I didn't know where the hell to go." Alyssa groaned. "same here, it was frustrating as fuck, I mean, couldn't we have gotten a frickin map or something?" Mikayla said.

We all laughed and agreed. Haley woke up and her stomach looked bigger then yesterday (not to be rude).

Mikayla's POV-

When Haley woke up and came in the kitchen, by the stares of us all she knew her stomach got bigger. "Haley, are you sure you can take care of yourself while we're at school? And do your parents know yet?"

"Yes I can handle myself for 6 hours and, yeah they know.....but they kicked me out." she said with tears in her eyes.

"Haley, you can live here with us, I mean you've been sleeping here for the past like what 2 weeks? So of course your welcome to stay here." I said

"Really? Thank you so much, you guys are the best! Can Alyssa live here to? Our parents kicked her out to for helping me....." she said sadly.

"Of course" Karlie said smiling. "thank you so much." she said again.

"Your welcome" I smiled.

"So you guys are ready for school I see." she chuckled. "yeah we're finally Juniors" I said proudly. "I can see that. she said smiling.

"What classes are you guys taking?" She asked. "I'm taking marine biology and architecture." Karlie said proudly. "I'm taking cosmetology and beauty care." Alyssa said proudly. "I'm taking human biology and veterinarian courses." I smiled.

"Wow I'm proud of you guys" she said as she drank her cup of coffee. "just then we heard the school bus.

"HOLY SHIT!" We yelled in unison as we raced out the door to the bus saying goodbye to Haley as she laughed at us.

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