Chapter 17

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Alyssa's POV-

I woke up the next morning to hear crying or screaming or maybe both. I got out of bed and went to see what was up. It was Karlie she was unsatisfied with a grade she got. I went over to her and smacked her in the face, hard. She looked back "bitch" she said. " Good Morning to you too! Where is Haley?" I asked concerned, normally she is already up. " sleeping in her room for once haha" Karlie said. " MIKAYLA DA BÆ GET UPP!" I screamed.

"Alyssa shut up!" Haley said. Oops I had forgotten she was still asleep. "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I hear Mikayla. Me and Karlie just laugh. I decided to make us all breakfast. "Breakfast is ready!" I say through the whole house.

Everyone comes in and Haley had gotten a lot bigger over night. She had another ultra sound today. She is due in about a week. I'm excited to be an aunt but scared also because I don't think Haley can handle this. Haley gives me a sweet warm smile but I don't give one back.

Haley's POV-

I heard Alyssa scream" MIKAYLA DA BAE GET UP!!" I tell her to shut up. Gosh a pregnant girl needs her beauty rest. I hear Mikayla tell her to shut the fuck up. I just laughed, they were more than like sisters to me closer like daughters.

Alyssa said breakfast is ready and I legit flew to the kitchen. I gave the girls hugs then sat across from Alyssa. I gave her a warm smile to see her not give one in return. Something's up with her. "hey wanna go to the mall for the dayy?" I asked.

Everyone looked up and smiled. Take it as a yes. We all went in our rooms to get ready and I decided I would wear jeans since I have been living in sweatpants, leggings or yoga pants. Hey I'm preggie so! I put them on to see they don't fit. Well this fucking awesome. Karlie walks in on me struggling and just laughs. I ask her for help but she thinks that weird and calls in Alyssa. Alyssa helps me so I guess I'm going out in leggings, Uggs and a baggy sweatshirt. I put on just mascara and threw my hair up in a braided messy bun.

I walk out to see the girls sitting at the island. They all look so cute. Mikayla is wear skinny jeans and a gymnastics sweatshirt and purple vans with light makeup and braided messy bun. #twinnies haha. Karlie has on floral leggings and a sweatshirt with black vans. She has on light makeup, her hair down.

Alyssa had on sweatpants and a t-shirt for that digitour thing she had no makeup on. She is lucky she doesn't need makeup. We decided to head out. Karlie gets her license soon. I'm kind of worried she is a little shaky on the road. She will pull through though.

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