Chapter 22

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Mikayla's POV-

Haley just had the babies. They are so cute! They are twins, we got to help pick the names Cegan and Leo. I'm holding Leo, Karlie is holding Cegan. I can tell she likes her and tbh I like Leo. They have the brightest blue eyes just like Haley. Right now Haley is sleeping, she wakes up and looks at us. She looks into my eyes and mouths thank you I smile and walk over to her and give her Leo, but as I turn to leave she pulls me in and hugs me. I hug back. I miss hugging Haley, I feel like we haven't hugged in a long time. I get up and I walk out of the hospital I had to get going because I had to get the house ready. Haley comes home today! Alyssa, Karlie and I had made the room all ready so that's all set. Then I remember we need boy clothes! Right now we can wait till Haley is ready to get up.

Alyssa POV-

Bang. I heard the car door slam. They are home finally! They come in and Haley looks like a wreck, I grab the babies and put them in the crib. I head back out to the living room to see Haley lying down. "Tired?" I ask trying not to laugh. "Yah so friggin tired." Haley says. " why don't you go lie down and we can watch the babies?" Haley looks up and she has heavy bags under her eyes. "Really?! Thank you so much. Byee" she says. " bye" I say as she heads to her room. I hear the shower go on and hear Haley singing. I ask Karlie and Mikayla to watch the babies. "Sure" they say in sync. I run off to my room and put on my water speakers and take a shower. After I finish up I decide to be lazy and put on sweatpants and a sports bra and head out with my hair in a pony. " well at least someone gets to take a shower." Mikayla says. " go take one me and karlie will watch the babies." I say. "YYAASSSSS" she says and runs off and hear the speakers. "Stupid BÆ she is using my speakers. " I say to karlie. " haha" she says.

Mikayla's POV-

I'm in the shower jamming to music. Haley bangs on the door, "turn it down! Haha" "ok sorry!" I scream. She laughs and walks away. I get out of the shower and put on sweatpants and a sports bra just like Alyssa. I throw my hair up in a ponytail that goes to my butt. I grabbed scissors and cut it to my chest length. It looks good I have brown hair and my underneath is purple I did it one day when we skipped school. I run out their. "Heyyy" "my turn" karlie screamed. She ran into the shower. "DONT USE MY SPEAKERS!" Alyssa said. " too bad." She screamed. "Hey absie!" I say. "Heyy bae!" She says.

Karlie's POV-

I'm in the shower with the water speakers blaring. I wash up and get out. I decide to twin with the rest of them and put on sweatpants and a sports bra and throw my hair up in a ponytail. My underneath is blue. I head out to the living room. We were bored so I said. " Wanna take some selfies" "YASSSS" they say in sync. We take some post on Instagram and Twitter and whatever other social media we have. We finished up with that and decided to go play with the babies.

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