Chapter 45

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Leo's POV:

"W-what did she say?" I asked Cegan to make sure I heard Aunt K' correctly. "She said moms gonna pick us up" Cegan said in as much shock as I was. "is it just me, or has mom never dropped, or picked us up from school, ever, not even the first day?" I asked her.

"Nope, it's not only you" she said as she closed her book and put it away. "mom has never really been there for us, it's always been Aunt Karlie or Aunt Mikayla" Cegan said as we walked inside school.

"Yeah...but what has made mom so distant, she was always there for us when we were little? Did something happen?" I asked her. "Not that I know of- well, I do know one thing, but I'm not supposed to" she said.

"What is it?" I asked. "Mom, Aunt Kar, and Aunt Mickey, aren't are only family. I know we have another Aunt and her name is Alyssa. Karlie and Mikayla raised us like they were our aunts, but their not even in our blood, but they sure do love us as if they were, and we have a dad-well actually that's obvious but-our dads name is Matthew, but he was an asshole, he left mom when he found out she was pregnant with us" she told me.

"How the hell do you know all that?!" I asked shocked. "I over heard them in Aunt Mikayla's room and I did some research through the internet and old photos grandma has" she told me as we got to her homeroom. "tell me more after" I said as I walked to my own homeroom.

Cegan's POV:

Leo walked me to my homeroom and then walked to his own. I took my seat next to my crush Ryder, but as usual, he didn't even acknowledge me being there.

I huffed as I took out my agenda and wrote in my homework for the week. I put that away back under my chair rack and sat in silence until the teacher came in. God I need to make friends.

Mr. Frankson went to the front of the room and started off with his usual "hello class" and "today we will be" and all that jazz. As soon as homeroom was over I gathered my stuff and headed to my first period. I had english, it's always been one of my favorite subjects because we get to read novels, write about them and tell about some of the best authors of all time, and sometimes we even et to write and direct our own plays.

Yeah I'm a big geek, unlike my brother. He's pretty well known throughout the school. After daydreaming through every class other then english, the day went by pretty quickly, and before I knew it, it was the end of the day.

I met up with Leo at his locker and we walked outside and sat on the bench, knowing mom would most likely be late.

Leo's friends came and went as time passed and soon it had been an hour. "where's mom?" Leo asked as he checked his phone. "come on its already 2:55! She's an hour late" he yelled in frustration.

Just then a car pulled up, but it wasn't moms, It was Aunt Karlie's Maserati.
"Your mom told me last minute she couldn't pick you up, so here I am, you have to come to work with me and Aunt Mikayla until your mom gets home. She has something important to tell you" Aunt Karlie said as we ran and climbed into the backseat of her car.

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