Chapter 35

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Mikayla's POV-

I was in my room with the music blaring and I thought I heard the sound of a scream, so I ran out. "Haley?" I say. I walk to the living room. Matt was in there and then he had a gun in his hand.

"Wh-what's going on?" I say. They turned around and looked at me. Haley called, " Mikayla go away. I don't want you to get hurt." I look at her. She has fear in her eyes.

"No" I say and run up to Matt. To then hear the sound of the gun shoot and someone falling to the ground and an ambulance coming over. I then pass out and get carried in a stretcher.

Karlie's POV-

I was driving home when I saw a billion of lights coming from our street. Praying to Jesus I drive down the street hoping the commotion wasn't for our house. It was.

I run out of the car to see Mikayla passed out. Haley crying talking to someone from the police and Matt in handcuffs. Wait matt? I then see some getting carried to a car. It was Alyssa. She was shot right in the breast area.

"Can I go to and bring them 2 girls?" I run up to a paramedic. They nod and I carry Mikayla bridal style to the car and Haley walking right next to me.

*skip car ride*

Haley POV-

We arrive at the hospital. They bring Alyssa to a room that we aren't allowed in. I wait outside with Mikayla and Karlie. Mikayla woke up and now is in a shock. I tried to calm her down but she only continued to cry and I gave her a hug.

*3 hours later*

We're allowed to go see Alyssa now. She hasn't waken yet so we just wait near her bedside for assistance. I sit down on a chair and karlie sitting next to me with Mikayla just standing there. I pull her over to me and she sits on the floor next to me. All 3 of us grab a hand of eachothers and pray. When all of a sudden......

"Hello?" A very quite low pitched voice says out of the cornor.

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