Chapter 10

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Mikayla's POV-

I woke up to my alarm going off, and decided to go on all my social media. I saw that Alyssa had posted a picture of me and Haley sleeping last night. I will pull her hair later. I rolled over to see Haley looking at me. I jumped a little and she just laughed. I laughed a little also. Haley asked me to talk to her for a minute. "Yesterday in the car why were you and Karlie crying." I looked over at Haley and just stared. "We don't know about this baby Haley and how Matt treated you. It was not right. We don't know what you should do." I said, my eyes watering."What do you mean?" "Haley me and Karlie think you should put the baby in a foster home." I say looking at Haley. "NO MIKAYLA,NOO" she says. I'm so angry I get my phone, wallet and shoes and leave. I go to Starbucks and text Karlie to meet me their. She is on her wayy.

Karlie's POV-

I heard screaming coming from Mikayla's room it sounded like her and Haley. Then I heard the door slam close and I looked at Alyssa both of us wondering. When I got a text from Mikayla 'meet me at Starbucks' I grabbed my coat, wallet, and phone and left. Not telling Alyssa or Haley. I leave. I get there and sit at our seats. " what's up?" "I told Haley and she flipped out at me. It was just an idea!" Mikayla said upset. "I know mikayla" I say to her. Come on let's head back. We get backs and open the door to a Haley pacing back and forth in the main room. "Why did u leave mikayla?!" All of a sudden Alyssa came down stairs and said she needed Mikayla. They went upstairs, leaving me alone with Haley. "Why didn't you tell me you were going out to get her?" Haley asked. Me confused said, "I can go if I want. You aren't my boss espicially Mikayla's either". She looked at me. "I know I just don't want you to get hurt. I luv you guys!" Haley says. " Haley I have to go back to school in two days!" I say. "WHAT?" Haley said.

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