Chapter 16

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Mikayla's POV-

As we pulled up back at the house, Haley brought us inside and she sat us down on the couch as she sat in the arm chair across from us.

"Ok guys what's up?" She asked concerned.

"Well school hard this year and everyone stares at us and it just freaks us out." I said shrugging.


"And we don't like our curriculum teachers, their assholes." Alyssa said.

"What about you?"

"I just hate fucking school in general" Karlie said laying her back against the couch.

We all nodded in agreement and Haley sighed. "ok I get it, school has always sucked for me to, but you can't just stop going, how 'bout we make a deal?" She suggested. oh this should be good.

Karlie's POV-

"What's your proposal?" I smirked sitting forward, suddenly interested.

"I'll make you guys a deal that states if I let you do online schooling, then you help me with my pregnancy and the baby when it's born as much as possible, and no skip outs." she said

I smiled at this and looked at the girls for them to approve. They smiled as well and we all nodded saying "deal" in unison. She smiled as well and went into the kitchen to get the house phone.

She dialed the school and told them about the program and they were fine with it as long as we get passing grades. We agreed and that was it. We set up our online schooling accounts individually and started.

As soon as we all finished our courses for the day, It was my turn to make dinner. yayyy......(note the sarcasm)

I made Chicken Alfredo with parmesan cheese. If I do say so myself it was delicious. Alyssa and Haley made dessert and we ate the chocolate heaven known as cake.

We all finished up cleaning and we were off to bed.

"Night guys." Mikayla said.

"Bye!" Alyssa cheered going off to her room

"Adios muchachos!" I beamed happily as I ran off to my room and I faintly heard Haley say "goodnight."

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