Chapter 30

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Alyssa's POV-
Haley called and I almost flung Cegan across the room to grab it. "Hello, are they okay? Are they alive? What is going on?" I say.

"Alyssa shut up and listen. Karlie and Mikayla were in a coma. Karlie woke up but Mikayla is still in a coma. Karlie says she can see her so I need you to be ready I'm on my to pick you up." Haley said.

"O-ok" all I say before she hung up. I grab Cegan and Leo and we wait outside for Haley. I see her car pull up and I get the babies in and then we leave.

Mikayla's POV-
Haley just left to get Alyssa. I can't believe she can't see me. Hopefully Alyssa can see me cuz if not I'm going to go crazy. "Karlie what if she can't see me and you can see me but it is a sign I'm dead." I say.

"Well Mikayla that would be fucking awesome having a ghost friend. Selfie with this bitch #spirits" she says. I laugh knowing she is true that would be fucking awesome.

I do hope Alyssa can see me. I hear the door open and in comes Alyssa, Haley and the babies. "Okay where is "Mikayla"" Haley says. Fuck you bitch I think to myself.

"Over here sitting next to Karlie stupid" Alyssa said. "Omg you can see her too!?" Haley says. "Yah. Hey Mikayla get out of spirit form and fucking come back." I just laugh.

" fuck you" I say to her. Then all of a sudden I see a light. " guys I think I see Jesus." Karlie looks at me "oh my Jesus" Alyssa just looks puzzled I point to light then all of a sudden I just see all light.

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