Chapter 21

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Haley's POV-

They keep telling me to push. I'm fucking pushing as hard as I can. I hear a cry and soon the baby was born. I smiled with joy and then felt another contraction. "What the fuck!?" I say.

"Ms. I think your having another baby!" I look around really worried. I can't do this, two babies, 3 teens I have to watch also. I ask if the girl can come in, 'what will I tell Karlie about this' they allow them to come in. Alyssa comes in crying "Does it hurt are you okay?" I feel really bad, obviously it hurts but I lie,"no I'm okay hey, I love you!" I smile.

She smiles back and is a little better now. " hey I have something to tell you guys. Well I'm- I'm" my eyes get teary. I start to cry. Stop Haley I'm friggen 20 years old. "I'm having twins." The girls looked at me shocked. They started to cry, " we are so happy for you! We'll help, but you can't forget about us." The girls say, I'm really happy. They are right I can't forget about them they were here when no one else was.

Alyssa POV-

"Does it hurt, are you okay?!" I come rushing in. Tears in my eyes. "It's okay Alyssa it doesn't hurt." She gives me a warm smile. I smile back. I don't know what to think. My thoughts are interrupted when Haley says, " I have to tell you girls something" she says. She starts crying, then we all start crying not knowing what is coming out of her mouth. "I'm having twins."

She says through tears she gives a little smile. I was happy, not mad,angry,frustrated but happy! We all look at each other and smile, all together we say " congrats were so happy!" She went back into labor so we left the room. No one wants to see this.

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