Chapter 34

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Alyssas POV-
I was talking to Kyle when I got a text from Karlie. I text her back and put my phone away. Kyle started to talk to me and I listen I can't believe it's Matt's brother.

I said I did because I wanted to act cool like that but to be honest I didn't know. "So" I asked "Kyle do you have any siblings?" " yah I have a little sister named kelly and a older brother named, Matt. But I haven't seen him in a while!" He says. I look at him.

He doesn't know. I look at Kyle, he is an innocent kid that just wants to have a girlfriend. I look over at him and smile. I'll tell him about Haley and all them later. I decide to just have fun and that's what I do.

Haley POV-
That motherfucker is dating my sister. I hope he rots in a black hole. " have you guys talked to Alyssa? She has been gone all day and i'm kinda worried."

They all look at me and have a sad expession and nod no. UGhhhh when will she come back. I get to my room when al of a sudden I heard the door open and thinking it ws Alyssa i run out. It wasn't Alyssa it it wa wass........

Alyssa's POV-

I was on my way home. It was a long day that ended with Kyle breaking up with me. I was talking about matt and haley and he was like "that bitch. He was right she is to clingy."

I got upset and cried. He then said we were done. I ran out of the home and got in my car and drove off. I just kepting thinking with my brain spinning. It was around 10 when i decided to head home.

I pull in the drive when I see a car that shouldnt be their. It was matt. I raced inside to see Haley with teary eyes and matt with a gun. 

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