Chapter 28

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Haley's POV-
I heard my phone ring and ran off to my room to get. On my I pass the babies room and see Alyssa playing with them. I answer the phone, "hello? Are you Ms. McGuire? The guardians of Karlie and Mikayla? " I think for minute, "yes" I say. " well Ms. It seems they were in a car accident and badly hurt" my eyes get teary and I cry.

"Are they going to be okay?" I say hopefully. " we need you to come down and then will talk about it." I hang up and run to the room with Alyssa looking at me.

"What's wrong?" She says seeing me crying. " there was an accident and Mikayla and Karlie were hurt, badly. Once I say that Alyssa asks me, " are they alive?" "I don't know. That is why I have to go to the hospital and you stay here with them okay? Keep your phone on you and I will call when I have enough information." I say. "Okay" she says and I leave the house.

Alyssa's POV-
Haley ran into the room with tears stained on her face and more coming. She told me that Mikayla and Karlie were in the hospital and she had to go but I had to stay here and watch the babies. I agreed and she told me to keep my phone on me when she was updated.

Haley ran out of the house and I heard the car drive away. "Hey guys wanna pray with me they are okay" I sniffle while saying. They look at me and poke my nose. I laugh. This is a good way to get it off your mind.

My phone goes off. Haley is their already? That was fast. I look at the caller ID and notice a block caller. I know it isn't Haley so I don't answer.

They keep calling and when I finally answer they breath in the phone and say hi Alyssa and end. It spooked me a little when I got interrupted from my thoughts from a call from Haley! Hopefully good news.

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