Chapter 52

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IMPORTANT AF! A/N: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE READ THIS IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT! hey guys so before you read the chapter, we wanted to say we're sorry but the the story is ending after this chapter. We LOVE ALL the support from you guys and all the read we've been getting is amazing. Thank you so much! BUT THERES GOING TO BE A SEQUAL! we'll let you know as soon as possible in the next but sadly last authors note what the title is so you can keep up to date. We love you guys so much! One again thank you!

|Haley's POV|

Leo came in, in a wheelchair with Cegan, Mikayla and Karlie. I sat there and the doctor that came in while they were gone looked between them and me. "I'll let you tell them, but as soon as your done, I need to operate" he said as quickly left and closed the door.

"Operate? What does he mean?" Karlie asked. I fumbled with the hospital bed sheets and took in a small, hitched breath. "W-well there's more then one baby. That was the weakest baby, there's two more fully nourished ones" I said looking down, knowing how they would react.

Leo wheeled over and looked at me dead in the eyes and said. "That great" and kissed my forehead. "I'm going to be a big brother!" He said smiling and Cegan came over and put him in a head lock. "And I'm gonna be a big sister" she smiled.

I grinned at both of them and hugged them. "So after the babies are born, we have to go pick up, your dog Toast from your grandmothers, if you remember him " Karlie joked and that made the kids smile even brighter. The doctor came back in and the kids and Mikayla and Karlie said goodbye and then they left. "Are you ready?" The doctor asked me and nurses came in I nodded.
[2 months later]

|Leo's POV|

Mom has been spending time with Cegan lately because after she had my baby brothers Cegan felt neglected. I walked into the babies' room and picked Kaden. He gurgled and spit on me and I rolled my eyes. "Great, another shirt ruined" I mumbled as took it off and went over to the changing station. I changed his diaper and cleaned him up. I picked him back up and turned around to see Aunt Mikayla and Aunt Karlie standing in the doorway as Toast ran around the heels of their feet trying to get attention.

"I see your taking care of your baby brother" Karlie smirked and I smiled. "yeah, he needed a diaper change" I shrugged and she ruffled my hair. "Your an amazing big brother" Mikayla said as she picked up Haden and he giggled.

"Why's your shirt off?" Karlie asked and she picked up the dirty one. "Kaden spit on that one" I said and she threw it in the hamper. "well how about since your mom took Cegan out we go out to" Mikayla said as she strapped Haden to her chest with the baby carrier and I laughed at how silly she looked. Karlie took Kaden from me and got the other carrier and did the same thing.

"Yeah that sounds great" I said and they smiled. "Can Dylan join us?" Karlie asked and I rose an eyebrow. "yeah sure, as long as Luke can come to" Mikayla said and Karlie nodded. "Whoa whoa whoa! Who's Dylan?! And who's Luke?!" I asked and they laughed a bit. "we forgot to tell him didn't we" Mikayla said. "Yeah, but I didn't think he'd want to know" Karlie said but then continued.

"Dylan is my boyfriend and Luke is Mikayla's. Dylan's the EMT paramedic guy I met at the hospital while he was helping me reassure you would be okay and that he would save you and your mom, we've been dating since the babies were born 2 months ago" she finished and then Mikayla spoke "Like is a new employee at the diner we work at, we've been dating for about the same amount of time as Dylan and Karlie" She said and I just stared at them.

"That's great! When are you going to get married?" I asked and they started laughing. "We're not going to get married for a long while" Karlie said and Mikayla agreed.

"Oh. Wait....was Dylan the guy that saved my life?" I asked and Karlie grinned. "Yeah, the one and only" she said smiling and I smiled as well. I love seeing my aunts like this. Happy and joyful and basically the way they were when they were 15. Full of life and crazy, teenage girls. Now that their 28 and I see them like this, it's like they haven't changed at all. I love them more then they could ever know.

"Let's go for that walk" Mikayla said as she grabbed my hand and I held it tight as I grabbed onto Karlie's as well. They both smiled down at me and we headed towards the front door. "Hey can I tell you guys something?" I asked them. "of course, anything" Karlie said and she looked over at Mikayla. "I think you guys are the most beautiful girls I've seen in my life and any man would be lucky to have you. I love you both so much" I said and they laughed a bit.

"Thank you Leo, we love you more then the universe" Mikayla said. "You don't know how much you mean to us, even more then we mean to you. Your our handsome little guy" Karlie said as she ruffled my hair like usual.

I hugged both of them as we stopped in front of the door way and they hugged back, being careful not to squish Kaden and Haden. "Let's go" Karlie said as she hooked Toast on his leash and we left the house.

|Alyssa's POV|

The police locked me in a jail cell with someone else. I didn't bother to pay attention.

I sat on the bench with the handcuffs around my hands as I attempted to get them off. "Don't even bother, it's useless" the other person said. It was a guy, he sounded familiar.

"Matt?" I asked and he can out of the dark corner. "The one and only" he smirked as he came over and say next to me. "So how's that bitch Haley and my kids?" he asked. "Their fine now sadly....even after I attempted to kill them all." He sat there for a minute. "didn't expect that from you. Congrats" he said patting me on the back.

"I want out of here" I said and he smirked. "Trust me we'll get out. And when we do, they better pray we don't find them before our guys do" he said.

ONE LAST FINAL A/N: DUN DUN DUN! SO SORRY WE LEAVE U HANGING! PLEASE DONT HATE US! This is sadly the last chapter of MISTAKES guys and We're legit in tears. BUT AS U KNOW WERE CREATING A SEQUAL! We'll let you know by tomorrow about the sequel when we start and we'll tell you the title. Or you can follow us and get updates on when we write an new story. But either way thank you guys so much for the support and we love u guys. Just wait for the sequel! IF U LOVED THIS ONE YOU'LL LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE the second. There will be one last final A/N tomorrow. Once again thank you guys.

XOXO~ Mikayla & Karlie
❤️2_writerss ❤️


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