Chapter 15

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Haley's POV-

I woke up around noon time and I got a phone call.

"Hello?" I answered groggily.

"Hello, is this Ms. McGuire?" The women asked on the other end.

"Um yes, who is this?" I asked.

"This is the Silverlight High School, I would like to inform you that 3 of the children your the guardian of have not attended school for the past 3 days"


"Yes, m'am, do you know why?" Asked the secretary.

"No, but their sure getting a talking to tonight, thank you." I said angrily as I hung up. "Oh those girls don't know what their in for."

Alyssa's POV-

As we started walking home from the mall after getting ice cram and buying clothes, we came across.....Haley in Wendy's......eating a cheeseburger.

"HOLY FUCKING SHIT!" Karlie screamed as she pulled us passed Wendy's and back to the house as fast as our legs could carry us.

As Mikayla took out the key faster then the speed of light, she opened the door and we ran to our rooms hiding our shopping bags.

We quickly ran out the door as Mikayla locked it behind us. We started running and as we ran back passed Wendy's Haley's car pulled up next to us.

Oh for fucks sake, can't we have a break?!

"what in fucks sake do you think your doing?!" She screamed at us as we piled into the car.

"I-" Karlie started but Haley cut her off saying. "save you excuses because I know you've been skipping school. I thought I taught you guys better then this." She said disappointed.

"We know" we said in unison looking anywhere but her.

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