Chapter 48

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Karlie's POV:

"Mikayla can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked and she nodded. We went upstairs to my room and shut the door "I don't know what to do" I said. "I don't either, I don't want her to get rid of the baby, but I don't want to force her to keep it" She told me.

"This is the biggest decision of my life basically. Why is she asking two 28 year old virgins what to do? This is the most fucked up thing I've ever experienced" I said as I sat down on my bed. "I know this is some fucked up shit, but all we can do is be there for her like before." she said patting my back.

"What are we supposed to say?" I asked. "Its not our place to say but I think she should keep the baby" she said. "I agree, but I'm just wondering who the dad is" I said sighing. "Me to, but we can find out" she said and we got up. "Are we ready to tell her?" I asked. "I think so" she said and we left my room and went downstairs.

Mikayla's POV:

We went downstairs and sat on the couch across from Haley. "Well....have you guys made up your mind?" She asked.

"Um...well we think you should keep the baby, but we just have a few questions" I said and Karlie nodded in agreement.

"Ok...what are they?" Haley asked hesitantly. "Um, who's the dad and how did this happen?" Karlie asked. " day you took the kids to their grandmothers and stayed over night, I went to a club and got drunk and slept with a guy named Ricardo. He was a Hispanic guy...a very attractive one....but beside that....I slept with him and the next day he was very sweet to me, he took me out to breakfast and we went around town together and he said if I ever need anything to call him and he gave me his number. I called him and told him I was pregnant and he said he would be here for the baby and give me anything I need for it. He came by earlier today and dropped off a few things for the baby like diapers, bottles, etc." she said.

"Ok, well he seems like a good guy, but I have a question" I said and Haley nodded. "why did you go to the club?" I asked. "I felt alone and I felt like I need to get drunk just to be happy because I want to be there for the kids more, but now I just totally fucked up and I'm sorry" she said as she started to cry.

"Haley, don't cry, we're here for you and so are the twins....but I think it's time we tell them the truth...the whole truth." I said.

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