Chapter 39

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Haley's POV:

Once I knew all the girls and the kids were asleep I went into my own room and called Casey.

After a few rings she answered. "Hey Hay-Bale, what's up?" She asked. "Um not much, hey I have to tell you something" I told her.

"Sure what is it?" She asked. "well I'm not moving in with you, I'm staying here. With the girls"

"What? what do you mean your not moving in? Haley! We already made plans and everything! And now your staying with....with those sluts?! C'mon I've always been here for you! And they just came into your life because they knew your sister! Who do you really trust? Them? Or me, your best friend? C'mon Haley we all know the right answer"

I took in what she said and answered "your right Casey" I sighed. "great so I'll see you tomorrow?" "Who said anything about me moving in?" I asked.

"W-what do you mean?" She asked. "you said it's and obvious choice and your right. So I'm staying here" I told her. I them heard her scream in frustration and then the line went dead. "well that went better then I thought" I sighed as I took a deep breath and lay down in my bed. "might as well get some sleep" I told my self as I drifted off into the darkness of my room.

Mikayla's POV:

"Haley! Get up and help us!" I screamed as I cradled a crying Leo in my arms and Karlie was attempting to feed a tantrum train wreck called Cegan. "THERES SOMETHING WRONG WITH THIS BABY!" Karlie yelled as Cegan threw a bowl of cheerios at her and it her in in the nose.

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK WAS THAT FOR?!" She screamed which just made Cegan cry even more. "KARLIE GRAB THE DAMN BABY!" I yelled.

Karlie then grabbed Cegan out of her highchair and ran into the babies room. "you need a diaper change?" She asked her. She started changing her diaper until she yelled for me. "MIKAYLA!"

"What?!" I asked aggravated as Leo started pulling on my hair. "Look at this kid! Her vagina is on fire! She's got some sort of rash or something?!" She said as she put her in her new diaper.

She then changed Cegan's clothes and grabbed her car keys off the kitchen counter. "where are you going?" I asked. "to the doctors, you want me to take Leo off you hands while I'm at it?" She asked. "yes, thank you" I said as she took Leo in one arm and Cegan in the other and raced out the door.

Karlie's POV:

I started to watch Cegan and Leo play on the floor with blocks and Legos. Just then a women came in with 5 kids. She sat next to me as her kids ran off into the play room.

"Who are these little guys" she asked smiling down at them. "this is Cegan and Leo" I said grabbing both of them and sitting them on my lap. "well aren't they precious." she said.

"Your very lucky" she said smiling at me. "oh no, they aren't mine, their my friend Haley's, but she's having a rough week so I took them in myself" I told her. "well that's very generous of you" she said as she turned back to see her own kids. "Cegan McGuire" the nurse said and I stood up with both of the babies. "it was nice talking to you" I said to the women. "you to dear" she said.

"So what seems to be the problem?" The doctor asked as we came into the room. "Well-uh- so I was changing her diaper and I saw a rash on her....lady parts" I said as I set Leo down near the Lego set and held Cegan in my arms.

"Ok well I'll check" she said. She checked Cegan while I built a-actually I don't even know what it was but we built it- so yeah we built a thing and I went over to go check on Cegan.

"So she seems fine, but I think it might be the diaper powder you use. I suggest getting the baby powder instead of diaper powder. It protects against these types of rashes." she told me.

"Thank you very much" I said as I grabbed both Leo and Cegan and shook the doctors hand. "no problem, anytime" she smiled and I left and headed back home.

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