Chapter 14

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Mikayla's POV-

We skipped school yesterday and today I was not feeling well so I stayed in bed. Karlie came in, " get up we gotta go!" "I'm not going today, I feel like shit"So I was laying in bed when all of a sudden around 12:35 Haley came in. "MIKAYLA WHAT ARE YOU DOING. IT IS 12:35!!" She said. " I was sick so I didn't go. You were sleeping so I didn't wake you." "That's not a good excuse" Haley said. I was so sick as pissed. "Well it isn't a good that you are preggers!" She got so mad. Whatever I didn't care.

Karlie's POV-

School was boring today. We actually went. Alyssa said that since Mikayla isn't here then we should today. So I said whatever, will go. Worst decision ever, fuck it tomorrow I'm not going to school. I wonder if Haley yelled at Mikayla. She never told Haley she wasn't going. We got off the bus, we were home! I went inside Haley wasn't on the couch like usual. So we looked around. Mikayla was sleeping in her room and Haley was right next to her. We decided to play a prank. We took whip cream and put it in our hands and went in Mikayla's room. Alyssa got her iPhone ready and took a vine, I smacked it on Mikayla first then Haley. Haley flipped out with all the curse words you could think of. Mikayla was really pissed off but decided to take a shower and put on black sweatpants and one of Haley's t-shirts. She lied back down while Haley took a shower. While she was in the shower we talked about today and how no one should go to school tomorrow. Haley finished then went down stairs on the couch and it was Mikayla's turn to make dinner but I helped because she was sick. We had soup, bread and ginger ale! I just hope I'm sick tomorrow hopefully Alyssa too!

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