Chapter 36

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Haley POV-
The sound of the voice startled me but I let go of Mikayla's hand. I walked over to the bed and saw Alyssa sitting there staring at me. I looked at her with a smile. "Hey" I say with a smile. She looks up and gives me a hug. "Hi Haleyy" she says.

"I'm not feeling well." She says. I look at her. "Alyssa you were just shot." She looks down and laughs. Mikayla pops up right next to me and gives Alyssa the biggest hug. "Alyssa, I should be in this bed. You took a bullet for me. I don't know what to say. Thank you." She says.

Alyssa POV-
"Instead of that thank you. You can help me by helping me up to take a piss." She laughs and helps me up. I go in the bathroom and change into new comfortable clothes.

Karlie POV-
"Why was matt there Haley?" I say. Haley looks at me and freezes. "Haley?" I say again. "He knocked on the door and I answered then he put it to me and I moved he came in.

Mikayla heard something came out and matt shot he- Alyssa." I took this in. That asshole. He will be in jail for a while. I go home and stay with the babies while Haley and Mikayla stay with Alyssa.

Mikayla POV-
I'm waiting with Haley for Alyssa to bring her home. Me and Haley talked a lot while we were there the last two days. We called karlie a lot to make sure the babies were okay. If she was good and to tell about Alyssa. "Haley why did u ever have sex with Matt?" I asked.

He wasn't even cute and Haley did it with him. 😕 Haley interrupts my thoughts by saying, "well I loved him and I thought he loved me so he said we should start a family and then it was just one night we were watching a movie and we did." She looks disappointed.

"He was ugly" oops I said that out loud. "Yah I don't know why i dated him he looked like a friggen piece of shit." She says and laughs. "Hahaha" I say and then Alyssa comes out and we decide to head home to karlie and the babies.

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