Chapter 20

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Mikayla's POV-

"Mikayla try to call Karlie." Alyssa said as she hopped in the passenger seat. I hopped into the drivers seat, luckily I have my permit and there's an adult in the car.....well an adult going into labor that is...whatever same thing.

I dialled Karlie's number as fast as possible. "cmon pick up, pick up." I said getting agitated.

"Hi! It's Karlie, sorry I couldn't get to the phone right now, if you leave a message I'll call you back as soon as I can, thanks! Bye!" I heard her voicemail say.

"God damnit answer your phone!" I yelled as the operator started to connect me to her voicemail box.

"Hi, its me, um please call me back ASAP, Haley's going into labor and we're all panicking. were on our way to the hospital, just please hurry and meet us there." I said as I shakily hung up and continued driving.


As we pulled up to the hospital Alyssa and I rushed Haley inside. They came out with a cot bed and put her on as they rushed her to a room.

We sat there with her as her first contraction ended, but we knew that baby would be coming soon. Haley has tried delaying the birth of the baby for long as possible so Karlie could be here.

Just then the doctor came in. "Ms. McGuire, are you ready to have the baby, it needs to be born or-" she started but was cut off by Haley saying "No, please, can't I just wait a little bit longer, I'm waiting for someone."

"I'm sorry Ms, but the baby has to be born now or it will die."

"O-ok" she said with tears in her eyes as they rolled her into the birth room. we followed closely behind as we waited outside.

We then heard screaming and the doctors and nurses saying for her to breath and push.

Just then Karlie came running in. "oh thank god" I said as I hugged her tight as well did Alyssa.

Karlie's POV-

I was in traffic honking my horn. "COME ON FUCKING DRIVE!" I yelled. They honked back and I stuck up the middle finger and sped past them. Then I hit a red light and skidded into a stop. "FOR ALL HOLY FUCKS IN THIS GOD FORSAKEN WORLD JUST FUCKING TURN GREEN!"
Just as I stayed red. For fucks sake.

"Fuck this shit" I said as I backed up and ran the red light. Oh well, I need to see my 'niece' being born.

As I pulled up in the hospital I ran up to the front desk panting. "w-where's H-Haley McGuire" I breathed.

She typed into a search on the computer and said "in room G6" she said as I quickly thanked her and ran up 7 flights of stairs into a hall where I saw Mikayla and Alyssa standing worriedly. I ran down as fast as possible as they turned around and hugged me tight.

"Where's Haley?" I asked cautiously. They pointed to the room and I looked into the window and I smiled seeing Haley. I turned back to them and screamed "we're gonna be aunties!!!!"

"We know!!!!!" They yelled in unison as we hugged again.

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