Chapter 9

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Haley's POV-

The doctor just told me what I'm having and the girls and I are happy. We decided that we would go to the store and get food because this preggi girl needs food. When we go home were going to start picking out names. In the passenger seat next to me Karlie is sitting there. Alyssa and Mikayla are in the back. Alyssa is singing and Mikayla is looking at something that must be upsetting due to her facial expression. I'll ask her after. I look back one more time just in time to see her wipe away a tear. Okay anyone who messes with one of my sisters is dead. My phone is going off. "Are you going to answer that?" Karlie asks. I look at my phone it is my parents.

Alyssa's POV-

Someone just called Haley and whoever it was made her look like she just saw a ghost. Karlie asked if she would answer it. I decided to grab the phone it was our parents. I answered. We talked. We didn't say anything about Haley being pregnant or about her and Matt. We ended with them and went into Walmart. We walked in as Haley wobbled. We left there and went back on the way I noticed Haley was looking at Mikayla. I looked over, she was crying I texted Karlie. Karlie looked but and I saw Karlie crying too. Me and Haley just looked at eachother. We went home and decided to think of names later it was around 11:00 when I said I was going to bed. Me and Haley just noticed Mikayla and Karlie were gone. We found them in their rooms sleeping. I slept in Karlie's room while Haley slept in Mikayla's.

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