Chapter 31

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Alyssa's POV-
Mikayla was gone. Poof no sign of her. We looked at Haley," she is gone" we say. "What, what do you mean gone?!" Haley says.

"I me-" "guys she is awake!" I say. We all run over,"hey bitch!" I say. She just smiles and looks at karlie. " you good?" She says. " yah I'm good." Karlie says.

We all have a group hug. The doctor said we can take Mikayla home today so we are. We arrive at the house. We decide to have dinner since we haven't really had a dinner. Mikayla and I decide to make steak with corn and potatoes while Karlie and Haley have desert duty. ( good luck with that!)

Mikayla's POV-
Me and Alyssa have to make dinner while Haley and karlie got desert. So in conclusion we are not having desert tonight.

Haha me and Alyssa get out what we need and make it. We finish up in about an hour, and karlie and Haley do too. They made a chocolate pie with strawberry sauce.

We all sit at the table and talk and catch up. " Mikayla and Karlie you guys have had a long day why don't you head to bed early" Haley says. I throw my fork and spoon and run off to bed. I grab my Mac and iPhone 6plus and go to bed.

I take my headphones and jam out to 5 SOS and lye down I hear someone come in and then see it is Leo. Awe he came in here. They just started walking so they have been doing that all day.

I grab Leo and put him on my bed. We lye down and I give him a headphone and soon enough I hear him sleeping. Haley comes in,

" want me to take him?" She asks. "No he is fine. Haha" I say wanting the company. " don't smoosh my baby" she smiles and kisses his cheek and walks out. I turn over and fall asleep.

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