Chapter 7

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Mikayla's POV-

Haley and Karlie started hugging and I could see tears rolling down Karlie's cheeks. Haley cheered her up by using her southern accent and singing to her.

All of us have always shared a passion for music and if I do say so myself, we would kill it on the X-Factor. Haha, just kidding, but Haley does really have a great voice. I can sense the baby would to.

Karlie still hasn't adjusted to calling the baby a baby, she still calls it an 'it' or 'thing'. Karlie is good with kids, but I know she is still outraged with Matt, and having a part of him as a reminder does not help at all.

As soon as Karlie and Haley released each other from the hug we helped Haley up and led her to her bedroom.

"Thank you so much guys, you have no idea how much this means to me." she said as tears once again rolled down her cheeks.

"It's ok Haley, trust me, we'll help you every step of the way." I said hugging her goodnight. "yeah we promise" Alyssa said also hugging her goodnight.

"I may not approve of Matt's decision, but I promise to help you and the baby as much as possible." Karlie said as she hugged Haley tight and we left the room.

Alyssa's POV-

As soon as we left Haley to fall asleep, we went straight into the living room.

"Guys how are we going to handle this 'thing' " Karlie said as she was gesturing to the baby. She didn't say it disgustedly, but she said it disappointedly.

"I have no idea, but all I know is that Haley can get through it, and so can we." Mikayla said optimistically.

"I sure hope your right." I mumbled. "me to" I heard Karlie agree.

"I'm excited to be an aunt" I said happily. "i hope Haley makes me a godmother!" Mikayla cheered, smiling.

"Although I said I would help Haley as much as possible, I don't think I'd want anything to do with that 'thing' unless I was forced to after its born" Karlie disagreed.

"Karlie I think you should-" Mikayla started but she cut her off saying "whatever I'm going to bed, ill see you guys in the morning."

"Well I think I'd be heading off to bed as well, goodnight Mikayla." I said softly. "same here." she said just as quiet as we each walked into our own rooms.

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