Chapter 32

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Mikayla's POV-
I woke up to someone poking me. I open one of my eyes and see Leo poking me, I look at him and smile. He is so cute haha. I get out of bed and jump in the shower and get ready for today. I curl my hair and put on some high-wasted skinny jeans with teal vans and a 5 SOS shirt. I grab Leo and we walk into the living room.

Karlie'a POV-
I walk out of my room seeing Mikayla looking at the couch shocked. I looked over and saw Alyssa and some boy making out. It was so disgusting. I look over at Mikayla and we run to Haley's room. We run in and she was still in bed on her phone. She was on Instagram. 'Uhh hey guys? What's up?" She says. Me and Mikayla look at eachother. " Alyssa and some boy are on the couch fucking swallowing eachother. It is really gross!" I added. We looked at Haley and her face was as red as a tomato. "ALYSSSAAAA MCGUIRE!" She screams. Me and Mikayla look at eachother and run before Godzilla, I mean Haley came out of the room running to the couch.

Alyssa's POV-
This kid is so hot I love us together. We were making out on the couch when a pair of arms grab me and run me down the hall and I get thrown. Landing on Haley's bed. Haley, Mikayla and Karlie look at me disgusted. "Good morning?" I say hoping it works. They look at me and Haley looks so pissed. She runs out of the room and I hear screaming. I run out to see Haley butch slap Kyle in the face. "What the hell Haley? Why did u smack my boyfriend in the face!?" I said pissed. " so when where you going to tell us." They all say in a usion. I grab Kyle's hand and drag him out of the house. " fuck you all" I say and leave.

Haley's POV-
I can't believe it. Alyssa just left with that boy. He I know him. That was Matts younger brother.

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