Chapter 47

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Haley's POV:

"W-what? How did she find us?" I stammered as I slowly walked over to the couch. "I don't know, and I don't know how, but she did and she wants the twins" Karlie said.

"No! She's not even gonna get close enough to touch them." I said as I hugged them tight. "mom, we can handle this ourselves. And you know I'll protect Cegan" Leo said. "Who said anything about you protecting me? If anything it would be the other way around, you have the brain of a squirrel." Cegan said looking at Leo like he was beyond stupidity.

"Come on, I was trying to have a nice moment, and then you ruin it, great job turd nerd" Leo said back, annoyed. I laughed at both of them then looked back up at Mikayla and Karlie. "Kids, why don't you go upstairs?" I said and they ran upstairs.

"Well, I know this probably isn't the best time to tell you guys....but might as well right?" I said as I took a deep breath. And they looked at me weirdly.

"I-um-I'm pregnant" I said quietly and they went silent. "Haley, are you sure?" Mikayla asked. "yes, I took three tests and they all came back positive" I said.

"Well, we'll help all we can, like we did with Cegan and Leo" Karlie said and Mikayla nodded in agreement. "But-what if I don't want to be pregnant?" I asked. They looked at me and then at each other until Mikayla said "Haley, what do you mean you don't want to be pregnant?"

"I-I want an abortion" I said, and their eyes went wide.

Mikayla's POV:

"Haley, are you sure you want to do that?" I asked her because it's clear that Karlie is still in shock.

"No, I'm not, that's why I need your guys opinion" she said looking between Karlie and I. "Haley it's not our decision to make, your the one carrying the baby not us" Karlie said.

"But this time it is. You guys have been taking care of Cegan and Leo since they were literally born. You did more for them then I did and you still do, your like mothers to them and I know that for a fact. And knowing me I won't be entirely here for this one, so I need your opinion because most likely, once again, you'll be taking care of this one too" She said to us with tears. I looked over at Karlie and she looked at me, we weren't sure what to say.

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